Uncategorised TIME FOR A RESET | REINICIAR As I was praying, the Lord prompted me to check my phone. The time was 00:00 and I heard the…Jo Naughton25th September 2020
Uncategorised 2 REASONS YOU NEED TO DREAM AGAIN | DOS RAZONES PORQUE VOLVER A SOÑAR When times are tough, it’s easy to get into a bunker mentality. We focus on coming out the other side,…Jo Naughton18th September 2020
Uncategorised YOUR INNER PICTURE | OPINION INTERNA Our view of ourselves creates an invisible boundary around our lives. Proverbs 23:7 says that as a man thinks in…Jo Naughton11th September 2020
Uncategorised DO IT THIS WAY, GOD! | HAZLO DE ESTA MANERA, DIOS A while back, I asked the Lord to give me His word concerning an event I was running. Following the…Jo Naughton4th September 2020