Uncategorised HOW TO GET READY FOR 2021 | COMO PREPARARSE PARA EL NUEVO AÑO Last year was difficult for almost everyone and terrible for some. Maybe you lost someone you love. Perhaps you faced…Jo Naughton25th December 2020
Uncategorised 3 WAYS TO REDUCE THE STRESS OF CHRISTMAS | 3 MANERAS PARA REDUCIR EL DOLOR Y LA PRESIÓN DE LA NAVIDAD While many are looking forward to a perfect family Christmas, there are others who will struggle their way through the…Jo Naughton18th December 2020
Uncategorised MAKING THE MOVIE OF YOUR LIFE | LOS PENSAMIENTOS DEL CORAZÓN I used to offer management coaching to people who had been newly promoted into senior roles to help them develop…Jo Naughton11th December 2020