Uncategorised WHY AM I LIKE THIS? | ¿POR QUÉ ESTOY ASÍ? Elisha’s first miracle after parting the Jordan helped an entire city. The rulers of a region came to him and…Jo Naughton28th October 2023
Uncategorised IS YOUR JOB SPEAKING TO YOU? | ¿SU TÍTULO DE TRABAJO LE HABLA? When I met my husband, I was in my final months of Bible College. He had just planted a church…Jo Naughton21st October 2023
Uncategorised Is Your Self-Image Helping Or Hindering? | ¿LE ESTÁ SU AUTOIMAGEN AYUDANDO O OBSTÁCULIZANDO? In my late twenties, I worked for a top Public Relations firm and had to attend a meeting with the…Jo Naughton14th October 2023
Uncategorised 5 Signs King Saul was Insecure | CINCO SEÑALES DE QUE EL REY SAÚL ERA INSEGURO Despite being chosen by God for a great task, King Saul struggled with insecurities throughout his reign. I believe it…Jo Naughton7th October 2023