By 19th January 2024 Uncategorised

We all go through tough times. Perhaps you have been pursuing your promotion for far too long. You know that you were made for more than the life you are living. When you look around, you feel shortchanged. 

You may have been fighting over your finances for years. You are faithful in tithing, but still struggle to make ends meet. Perhaps your marriage has been a painful mix of heartache and letdowns. You dreamed of the fairytale, yet you woke up to the reality of unfulfilled promises or loneliness.

Perhaps your entire life has been marked by a catalog of disappointments. You could be fighting for the restoration of your family, battling debt, held back in ministry, or struggling with serious health issues. 

The truth is that: … man is born to trouble…” (Job 5:7). The word for trouble in the Hebrew is âmâl and it means sorrow, pain, stress and strain. Trials are part of life and battles are inevitable. That does not stop them from being very painful. 


The Journey To Fulfillment 

When God gives us dreams, He doesnt tell us how difficult the road to fulfillment will be.  We would probably never start if we knew the struggle that was in store!  Maybe you have been pursuing goals for years and you’re bewildered by slow progress. When times are tough, it’s easy to get weighed down.

The Lord called me to bring our ministry from the UK to the USA. That may sound easy, but I assure you there were challenges. The UK is a tiny island about 6,000 miles away from America – and I hardly knew anyone there. 

In early 2019, the battle to bring Whole Heart Ministries to the US intensified. Just when I was certain we were about to come into momentum, progress seemed to grind to a halt. It was about a month before one of our events and bookings were few and far between. 


When Things Look Bleak

The conference center was confirmed, contracts were signed but no one seemed to be registering. My team and I were praying and believing for bookings. One morning, when I checked numbers, the stark reality hit me like a punch in the guts. This is awful. Why is no one booking?” I asked myself. What am I doing wrong? God, why arent you coming through? This is a disaster.”

I felt like I had stepped out in obedience and God had not bothered to come through. I knew we would get there in the end because the world needs this ministry, but I felt dejected on the way. The more I thought about the low numbers, the deeper I sank. 


It’s Not Unusual 

The truth is that there is barely a Bible hero that didn’t battle on their way to breakthrough. Abraham waited 25 years for his son, Joseph was thrown into slavery and prison. David was homeless for a decade before being crowned king. 

If it’s been hard for you, that does not mean that God is not with you. It probably means that you have some very precious promises that are worth the fight. When we are weary of fighting, we need a fresh touch from God.


Times Of Refreshing 

I got into God’s presence and poured out my pain in prayer. I gave Him my disappointment as an offering. As I lingered in His presence, He restored my soul and gave me new strength. Afterwards, I was ready to fight again.

Pushing and persevering can be exhausting. If you’re battling with discouragement, Jesus says, “Come to Me all you who are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). 


Share your heart with the Lord in prayer. He is able to lift you up again. If you want the Lord to revive your soul and breathe fresh hope into your heart, our new Heart Academy course Overcoming Disappointment is for you. We start this Tuesday, the 23rd of January. Check it out here.

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