God loves to plant His promises in our hearts. He gives us desires and dreams of a bright future. He paints a picture of what we can become within our souls. Soon, we’re hungry for realisation. Then the wait begins.
Occasionally (but hardly ever), we see it all come to pass immediately. But all too often, it feels like we have to wait an eternity. If that wasn’t enough, this period may be marred by pain and pressure.
Although the longing for a better future burns within, circumstances look grim and disappointment creeps in.
It is in this place that we often come face to face with God’s choice tool for maturing His people. It is called process and it is God’s mechanism for making us into men and women that are ready for our destiny.
Some of the saddest stories in Scripture are about people that missed the mark. I don’t mean the likes of King David who messed up but repented. I am referring to the Samsons and Sauls of the Old Testament.
The contrast
Saul was promoted quickly. Unfortunately, he was insecure and worried what folks thought. He ended up bowing to people pressure rather than obeying God. As a result, he fell from favour and never fulfilled his true calling. How sad.
David, in contrast, had to wait more than a decade for his promise to be fulfilled. For much of that time, he suffered terribly. He lived rough in forests and caves, daily escaping assassination attempts because his spiritual father wanted to kill him.
Tough times
His friends betrayed him, his family deserted him and the only people who were loyal to him were a bunch of losers. However, all the while he persisted and waited, God was working on his character.
So when the spotlight eventually shone on the young warrior, he was ready for the responsibilities of leadership and went down in history as Israel’s greatest king.
The right track
I don’t know how long you have been hanging in there, believing for your breakthrough. Remember, however hard your process may be, the outcome is worth the wait. It is better to be trained in the valley so that we are fit for your purpose on the mountain top.
I don’t know how many times I have felt like I’ve reached the end of myself. It’s always in those moments that I hear the Lord remind me: “Do not grow weary while doing good for you shall reap in due season if you do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9. Believe it or not, God is more committed to your breakthrough than you are.
If you would like God to do a deep work within and take you on a journey to security and maturity, get hold of our books and come along to Healed for Life. You will be amazed at what God will do.