Uncategorised WHAT TO DO IF YOU FEEL LET DOWN | QUE HACES CUANDO TE SIENTES DECEPCIONADO “Where were you, God?” I kept questioning after my two year old daughter died. At the time that Naomi passed…Jo Naughton3rd September 2021
Uncategorised THE EASY WAY TO DEFEAT FEAR | LA FORMA FÁCIL DE CONQUISTAR EL TEMOR “Benjy has been hit by a car,” the caller continued, “He’s in an ambulance on his way to hospital.” Thrown…Jo Naughton27th August 2021
Uncategorised WHAT TO DO WITH PAINFUL DELAY | QUÉ HACER CON EL DOLOR DEL ATRASO My daughter battled with health problems for the first decade of her life. One day when she was nine, in…Jo Naughton20th August 2021
Uncategorised WHY IS MY LIFE SO HARD? | POR QUÉ MI VIDA ES TAN DIFÍCIL Have you ever felt like life is too hard? Have you wondered why you’re still in the wilderness? Does it…Jo Naughton13th August 2021
Uncategorised NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS | NADIE ENTIENDE There may be times when you feel like no one understands your pain or what you have been through. That…Jo Naughton6th August 2021
Uncategorised 6 SIGNS YOU’VE BEEN AFFECTED BY TRAUMA | 6 SEÑALES QUE MUESTRAN QUE HA SIDO MARCADO POR EL TRAUMA For the best part of 30 years, I didn’t like making calls. I would text instead whenever possible. I thought…Jo Naughton30th July 2021
Uncategorised THE TRUTH ABOUT TRAUMA | LA VERDAD ACERCA DEL TRAUMA Motoring back from a mall on the outskirts of Atlanta, my friends and I laughed as we chatted. We were…Jo Naughton23rd July 2021
Uncategorised IRRESISTIBLE TO GOD | IRRESISTIBLE PARA DIOS There is an attitude that is very dear to the heart of God. Before I share what it is, I…Jo Naughton16th July 2021
Uncategorised I FEEL JUDGED | ME SIENTO JUZGADA Have you ever felt judged? Maybe your behavior has been called into question. Perhaps your mistakes have been examined under…Jo Naughton9th July 2021
Uncategorised HOW TO SHIFT HEAVINESS | CÓMO CAMBIAR LA ANGUSTIA When your heart is heavy, it’s horrible. It feels like a blanket is covering your soul, weighing you down. You…Jo Naughton2nd July 2021