Uncategorised 3 Cruel Myths About Grief | 3 MITOS ACERCA DEL LUTO Half way through my tribute, I caught the eye of an old friend. Something about her sad, loving gaze made…Jo Naughton7th January 2023
Uncategorised How to soften a hard heart | CÓMO SUAVIZAR UN CORAZÓN ENDURECIDO There is one heart issue that is a deal breaker for God. This matter of the heart has the capacity…Jo Naughton7th January 2023
Uncategorised Why Did God Choose King Saul? | ¿Por qué Dios eligió al rey Saúl? It's easy to think of King Saul in the Old Testament as a villain. After all, he turned away from…Jo Naughton6th January 2023
Uncategorised How to have a new season, not just a new year | CÓMO TENER UN NUEVO COMIENZO, NO SOLO UN NUEVO AÑO When the clock strikes midnight, we will enter 2023. But the date changing won’t wipe away the difficulties or disappointments…Jo Naughton27th December 2022
Uncategorised How To Avoid Upset At Christmas | EVITAR MOLESTIAS EN LA NAVIDAD At Christmas, my heart goes out to those who are apprehensive. While many are looking forward to celebrating, there are…Jo Naughton19th December 2022
Uncategorised The Way Out Of Loneliness | LA SALIDA DE LA SOLEDAD Sitting by yourself with a sadness beneath the surface, loneliness can feel like a cold cloak separating you from friendship…Jo Naughton7th December 2022
Uncategorised I Want To Do It My Way! | ¡QUIERO HACERLO A MI MANERA! Not long after we got married, my husband and I decorated our new flat. He was better at home improvement…Jo Naughton7th December 2022
Uncategorised Your Inner Commentary | SU COMENTARISTA INTERNO Have you watched a game with an avid fan? They talk to the television throughout the match. Maybe they yell…Jo Naughton2nd December 2022
Uncategorised 5 Signs you battle with bitterness | 5 SEÑALES DE QUE USTED LUCHA CON LA AMARGURA Have you been betrayed by someone you trusted? Maybe your spouse broke a promise. Family or friends could have badly…Jo Naughton25th November 2022
Uncategorised ONE THING THAT PREPARED JOSEPH FOR PROMOTION | ALGO QUE DEBE SABER DE JOSÉ What was it that caused Joseph to be promoted from prison to Prime Minister in just one day? After 13…Jo Naughton17th November 2022