The Bible is clear that when we follow God, we are favoured. However, the Word also teaches that we can increase in favour. So how can we attract more of His favour? Let’s look at Proverbs 3:3-4:
“Let not mercy and truth forsake you; bind them around your neck, write them on the tablet of your heart, and so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.”
Mercy & Truth
If we truly commit to mercy and truth in 2017, we are guaranteed great favour with God and people. Doors will open, blessings will abound and promotion will be inevitable.
Last week we looked at mercy. Today, we will unpack what truth really is. There is a bible verse in Proverbs 23:23 that (for me) reveals the real issue with truth:
“Buy the truth and do not sell it.”
The Price
Anything that you must purchase has a price. In human terms that means that the truth costs us. For me the price has varied. At times, the price has been accepting the painful reality of my inadequacies.
You may have heard the story about the start of my healing journey 12 years ago. At the time, I was co-pastoring a growing church and running a prestigious marketing department. I was ministering more and more. I thought I was doing very well.
Then a prophet spoke to me: “The problem with you Jo is that it’s all about position.” I loved God with all my heart but yes, job titles and status were far too important to me. It was extremely difficult to accept but it was the truth that opened the door to my healing.
You see, all too often it’s a buried sense of inadequacy that drives us to seek reassurance from our achievements. Status can become all too important when it gives us value. The truth was brutal and it hurt but it brought healing.
Humble pie
At other times, the price of truth has been swallowing the bitter pill of pride. Fast forward ten years from the start of my healing journey and I had just launched a new book in the US. It was an exciting time of book tours taking me to a mix of TV shows, conferences and churches.
Back at home from my second tour and the Holy Spirit confronted me: “Deal with the superstar within!” It was awful. God Himself was telling me that the whole experience of launching my book had made me feel like a star. Pride had crept in and I was believing my own PR.
The truth was excruciating. Denial would have been so much more comfortable. But I wanted to follow God and I wanted Him to be pleased with me. So I repented.
Don’t shoot the messenger!
Many times my husband has been the channel of truth in my life. Of course it’s even harder to hear your faults through your family. But more often than not, they see what others don’t.
Psalm 51:6 says, “You desire truth in the inward parts…”
God longs for us to seek the truth and then accept it when He reveals it. The great thing is that truth attracts favour but then so does humility. Every time we receive the truth, we have to humble ourselves so we are setting ourselves up for our Daddy’s best.
Start the right way
If you want God’s best for 2017, remember that it’s your heart that determines the course of your life. Do what it takes to get your heart refreshed and renewed ready for the year ahead. Why not start the year with a Detox for your Soul. And please, come along to Healed for Life. It’s for anybody who wants to fulfil their destiny.