Uncategorised THE TROUBLE WITH RELATIONSHIPS Relationships hurt. Especially relationships with the people we love the most. Things are said that leave us questioning ourselves. Misunderstandings…Jo Naughton23rd August 2019
Uncategorised I FAILED I have failed more times than I would like to remember. I have lost jobs, ruined relationships & pastored badly.…Jo Naughton16th August 2019
Uncategorised IT’S PERSONAL Knowing your unique purpose is paramount. The desire to achieve your mandate will get you up in a morning. And…Jo Naughton10th August 2019
Uncategorised I NEED TO PRACTICE… Doctors practice medicine. Attorneys practice law. I think we need to practice love. There are many words used to describe…Jo Naughton2nd August 2019
Uncategorised UNNECESSARY EMOTIONAL ENERGY One evening while I was out, I called home to check that my daughter was back at the time we…Jo Naughton26th July 2019
Uncategorised I LEARNED THE HARD WAY The Bible promises, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the fat of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19) I…Jo Naughton19th July 2019
Uncategorised DON’T WASTE YOUR PRAYERS Some prayers are a waste of time! Let me explain using the story of the Red Sea crossing. After leaving…Jo Naughton12th July 2019
Uncategorised IT’S TOO MUCH I will never forget the message a friend of ours preached at our church after our two-year-old daughter died. Everyone…Jo Naughton6th July 2019
Uncategorised WHY? You probably know the story of Lazarus in John 11. I don't think this account is only about a man…Jo Naughton29th June 2019
Uncategorised THE RELATIONSHIP BREAKER God has put key people in your life to enable you to fulfill your purpose. They may be door openers.…Jo Naughton21st June 2019