Relationships cause more dents in our self-worth than just about anything else. Cutting comments from friends, friction with family or trouble in childhood can wound us within.
Breakups, betrayals, harsh remarks by teachers or the actions of leaders can cause cracks in our confidence.
It’s not just the things that happen that can hurt. It is also the things that don’t happen that can create a vacuum in our lives.
Pain is part of life, so we think it doesn’t matter. Most of us just brush ourselves down and carry on. But it only takes a small fault in our foundations to limit the heights we can go.
A better way
Our Heavenly Father has a different perspective. He knows that unhealed hurts hamper our lives. Ecclesiastes 10:11 says, “Remove sorrow from your heart.”
The Lord wants to heal every secret sadness in your soul. He wants to lead you (and keep you) on the journey to peace and security.
Isaiah 53:4 says that Jesus, “…has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…” He took our pain upon Himself so that we could enjoy His healing.
Zero tolerance
Just as we should not tolerate sickness in our bodies, but always seek His healing, so we should not settle for any sadness in our souls. Jesus made the way for us to be completely free.
This week, I want to encourage you to make a decision to relentlessly pursue peace and freedom. If you have already joined the journey to inner wholeness, stick with it.
If you are new to this, make a decision in prayer today to allow the Lord to heal every hidden hurt in your heart. Decide to prioritize your inner wellbeing for the sake of your future.
Healing is at hand
Fixing the Foundations is a one day conference for everyone who wants to be free to live life to the full.
We minister into the wounds caused by five foundational relationships. We cover mothers, fathers, siblings and peers, teachers and leaders, and romance.
If you’re in Florida, book your space for Fixing the Foundations on 23 June. You will be amazed at what God will do in just one day.
If you’re in the North East of America, join us in Newark, NJ on Saturday 30 June for our Healed for Life Taster.
If you’re in the UK, come along to our Refresher on 7th July or to one of our two day conferences at the end of the month. If you can’t reach any of our events, then get our books.
Join me in pursuing inner freedom for the sake of your future!