I was ministering to a young lady who was feeling dry & discouraged. She was born with a disease that affected her in a particularly personal way and had been believing for her breakthrough for years.
When we spoke, she had almost reached a point of disillusionment. After all, she had been persevering in prayer since childhood and yet in the natural, nothing had changed.
Her eyes welled up with tears as she explained that she went through ups and downs but often felt depressed. For years she daily faced the same old battles and she was worn out.
I asked her if she had told God how she really felt. She shook her head. I showed her how to pray in a way that would release all the pent-up pain.
Being real for the first time in a long time, this brave teenager opened up in prayer to God. She explained that she felt He had let her down. She reminded Him how hard it was to be her. She told Him that she was tired of fighting.
It’s amazing the extraordinary release we can experience when we express every sense of disappointment in His presence. King David proved that it is ok to pray this way. He often told God he was fed up in the psalms.
After the young lady poured out her heart in prayer, she felt relieved. The disappointment lifted and instead hope and faith started to fill her heart. She was ready to believe again.
If you have been surrounded by delays or felt weighed down by disappointment, it’s time to lay it down in God’s presence. When I tell people about my frustrations, I may feel a temporary release but when I pour it out before the Lord, it produces real relief.
I once asked God how we can really get rid of disappointment. I was amazed by what I heard Him say. Like I’ve already shared, He showed me the importance of pouring it out in prayer.
But then He gave me a second key. Once we have shared our hearts with the Lord, we can choose to give Him our disappointments as an offering. The thing about disappointment is that we feel entitled to be miffed.
When we give up our entitlement as an offering, we can leave our prayer closet completely free. If this has spoken to your heart, why don’t you take a moment to pray right now. God knows and cares about every inner struggle and He is ready to help you be free.
We always deal with disappointment at Healed for Life. Along with other issues like insecurity, identity, regret and guilt, God takes us on a journey to wholeness and new happiness. It would be a joy to see you soon at one of our conferences near you!