We all have an instinctive, God-given desire to understand our purpose. We want to know our individual role, where we fit, what we were born for. Knowing our purpose helps make life make sense.
When we aren’t quite sure what it is that we are really destined to do, it can leave us feeling rudderless. I want to encourage you to keep pursuing the knowledge of your purpose. But what can you do to help discover your destiny?
Faith is born and grown in our hearts. It’s not a head thing, although it is fed by our thoughts. In the same way, we don’t hear God with our natural ears, we hear Him in our hearts. Not only that, our deepest dreams and desires are born from within.
Can’t hear
Sometimes people come to me when they are in desperate need of direction. They may have difficult decisions to make or choices that demand great wisdom. But when we are feeling overwhelmed, our minds are often messy and our hearts can feel heavy.
The most normal way for God to speak is through the still, small voice. So for us to hear Him, we first need to calm the chaos. We must cast every care that is cluttering our hearts and silence every anxious voice.
Once we have offloaded our angst and upset in His presence, we will be ready to hear from heaven. Once I sense the leading of the Spirit, I always ask God for a Bible verse to back up what I’m hearing because His Word never fails.
Now apply the lessons we just learned to discovering our destiny. Sometimes our hearts are weighed down with discouragement from delayed dreams. Other times we are numb on the inside from the pain of the past. It may just be a mix of things but you know your heart is heavy.
Because dreams grow deep within, this is one of the biggest blocks to discovering our destiny. So the more we allow the Lord to deal with the chaos, clutter and dryness, the closer we come to uncovering our purpose.
Remember that Proverbs 4:23 says that our hearts determine the course of our lives. I believe that it’s time for us to attend to our inner well-being.
You may have heard me say that I think many of us treat our cars better than our hearts! We take our vehicles for regular services but what do we do to refresh our souls?
Service your soul
If you want to step into your destiny, I encourage you to join King David who prayed in Psalm 139:23: “Search me thoroughly, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!”
Allow God to do a deep work within, cast every care and let Him revive you. As He shines His light into your heart, He will show you the things that have held you back so that you can be free again.
It’s amazing what purpose can do. As you understand your mandate, it will release a fresh spring in your step. Your destiny will draw out deep desire from within. You will find the determination you need to live the life necessary to fulfil every ounce of your God-given potential.
If you’ve read this and the cry of your heart is to clear all inner clutter so that you can hear clearly, I encourage you to come along to the next Healed for Life near you. The purpose of this transformational event is to help you be free to fulfil your purpose.
Next week’s blog will flow from this one as I will share with you the power of your purpose.