When we are believing God for our breakthrough, we often have a vivid picture of what victory will look like. We have played it out in our mind many times and cherished the moment of triumph. However, all too often, things don’t go the way we expect.
I’m sure the same was true for the disciples. Although Jesus had told them that He would suffer, I don’t think they had any idea that a week after entering Jerusalem surrounded by cheers, He would be hanging on a cross in agony.
The men who had given everything to follow Jesus while He was alive scattered in dismay and confusion at His death. They were probably expecting Jesus to rise in political prominence and prove their dissenters wrong. But instead, He was publicly humiliated and killed.
Their dreams were destroyed and their hearts were broken. However, despite their dismay and disappointment, the disciples gradually started to regroup. Eventually ten out of the 11 remaining men were back together again doing their best to believe for their breakthrough.
The turn around
It wasn’t what they were expecting, but their day of victory dawned. As they waited, wondering what to do, their Lord and Saviour walked in! Fear and confusion vanished as the peace of Jesus filled the room. Then Jesus gave them their mandate and the power they needed to start to fulfil their mission:
“As the Father has sent Me, I also send you… Receive the Holy Sprit.” John 20:21-22
What a day of destiny!
But it wasn’t just Judas who missed that momentous meeting. Thomas wasn’t there either. Satan is always seeking to keep us out of church and away from conferences that could change us for ever. He is always trying to disrupt divine relationships.
I can only think of one reason why Thomas missed this special moment. I think that he was so disappointed that dismay turned to discontent. He was upset, he felt let down, he felt cross. So he stayed home.
Are you missing out?
I don’t know what you have been hoping for or what went wrong while you were believing the best. I do know that the devil wants to make you miss out. One of the ways he does it is by fuelling negative moods. The disappointment makes us moody and cross.
When we’re in a huff about the way things went, it becomes very difficult for us to hear good counsel and all too often, we avoid being in the places where the people who hurt us will be.
A few days ago, I couldn’t find my Jewellery. I asked my husband to help. However, he immediately started making suggestions about the lessons I should learn from my neglect! I was not impressed and in a grumpy tone, I blurted out, “You could at least go check the small suitcase!”
But I was far too cross to hear the words that came out of my own mouth. Instead, I continued criticising him for not helping. It was only when time was running out and I ask God for help that I remembered the small suitcase. Of course, my jewellery was there.
Dump the grump!
The way God said it to me was simple: I needed to dump the grump! In the spirit, when we’re upset about the way things turned out, we look like a grown up baby holding a giant soft toy (our grump).
While we are holding our grump, we can’t receive our answers. While we are holding our grump, we can’t go the places God wants to take us. We need to dump the grump!
Thomas did eventually see the risen Christ but he was remembered in history as a doubter. And although he was there on the day of Pentecost, his name was never again mentioned in the New Testament.
Don’t let the devil steal your destiny. If things have happened that have left you upset, go to God in prayer, dump your grump and give Him your disappointment. Stay on your heart journey of transformation and make sure to come along to our next event near you.