Before the days of lockdown, my husband Paul and I were getting ready to go out. It seemed that anyone who could let us down had done so that evening. I was frustrated, annoyed and started to snap at everyone.
Paul turned and said: “Do not bring strife into this house!” I immediately realised what I was doing, I said sorry and stopped. Strife never improves a situation, it always makes things worse. Our enemy is not flesh and blood but the sooner we realise that strife IS our enemy, the better.
Strife is an inner atmosphere of frustration and contention. It makes us irritated and impatient. It causes us to make life a contest and to compare our lot with the lives of others. It makes us agitated.
James 3:16 says, “For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work.” What a powerful revelation: strife opens the door to every evil.
If we allow strife at home during lockdown, it will make this season even more difficult. If we tolerate frustration in our relationships, they will be even more strained. If we permit contention in our ministries or workplaces, we open the door to all sorts of problems.
It is more important now than ever that we kick strife out of our lives. So how do we get rid of this invisible enemy?
First, we need to recognise any area where it has crept in. Maybe you realise it is affecting your relationships. Perhaps you feel frustrated about lockdown. Stop now, clam down and say no to strife. Decide that you want it out your life.
The opposite to strife is peace. The opposite of frustration is contentment. Paul the apostle said he learned the secret of being content in every situation (see Phil 4:11). This means it is something we need to learn to be content even in difficult circumstances.
Hebrews 13:5 says, “Be content…” Right now, choose to be content. Choose to be happy whatever is going on around you. Stand back from the fray and replace contention with contentment, soon peace will reign in your soul.
Strife thinks about self. When we choose instead to be considerate, to put the needs of others above our own, strife drains out of our life. We are no longer battling or quarrelling, we show graciousness and kindness.
James 3:17 shows us the alternative attitudes to strife and contention: “But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds.”
Make a decision to be gentle. Decide to be kind. My nineteen year old son recently made a powerful statement: “I have learned that it’s better to win a person than an argument.” What wisdom. Let’s study more right now. My book My Whole Heart will help you grow in this area.
Please click the heart on my blog site and comment if this has been timely or helpful. I appreciate hearing from you.
Antes que sucediera lo de la quarentena, mi esposo Paul y yo nos alistábamos para salir. Parecía que todos los que nos podíanfallar lo hicieron esa noche. Estaba frustrada, enojada y empecécontestar mal a los que me encontraba.
Paul me dijo: “no traigas disencion en la casa.” Inmediatamenteme di cuenta lo que estaba haciendo, me disculpe y cambie mi actitud. La contienda nunca mejora una situación, lo empeora. Nuestro enemigo no es sangre ni carne, cuando nos demos cuenta de quien es el verdadero enemigo, la disensión, mejorarán las cosas.
Disensión es una atmósfera interna de frustración y contención. Nos hace irritados e impacientes. Nos hace tomar la vida como una competencia y que comparemos lo nuestro con lo de los demás. Nos hace agitados.
Santiago 3:16 dice: ” Porque donde hay celos y contención, allí hay perturbación y toda obra perversa.” Que revelación poderosa: la contienda abre puertas a todo tipo de maldad.
Si le permitimos a la contienda que tome lugar en nuestras casas mientras estamos en cuarentena, esta estación sera mucho más difícil. Si toleramos frustración en nuestras relaciones, experimentarán más tensión. Si le damos cabida a la contención todo tipo de problema se desatará.
Es muy importante más ahora que nunca que saquemos la disensión de nuestras vidas. Pero como sacamos a este enemigo invisible de nuestras vidas?
Primero, necesitamos reconocer cualquier área en que haya podido entrar. Quizás puedas reconocer que está afectando alguna de tus relaciones. Quizás te sientes frustrado por la cuarentena. Detente ahora, cálmate y di no disensión. Declaraque lo quieres fuera de tu vida.
Lo opuesto a disensión es paz. Lo opuesto a frustración es contentamiento. El apóstol Pablo dijo que aprendió a estar contento en toda situación (ver filipenses 4:11) esto significa que necesitamos aprender a estar contentos inclusive en situaciones difíciles.
Hebreos 13:5 dice “estar contentos…” ahora mismo, escoge estar contento. Escoge estar feliz a pesar de lo que pueda estar sucediendo a tu alrededor. Retrocede del conflicto y reemplaza a la contención por contentamiento, pronto paz reinará sobre tu alma.
La contención piensa en el yo. Cuando escogemos ser considerados, ponemos las necesidades de otros por encima de las nuestras, la disensión drena tu vida. Ya no estamos batallando o disputando, necesitamos mostrar cortesía y bondad.
Santiago 3:17 nos muestra alternativas de actitudes en contra de la contienda y la disensión : “Pero la sabiduría que es de lo alto es primeramente pura, después pacífica, amable, benigna, llena de misericordia y de buenos frutos, sin incertidumbre ni hipocresía.”
Toma la decisión de ser gentil. Decide ser bondadoso. Mi hijo de diecinueve años hizo esta declaración recientemente : “es mejor ganar a una persona que un argumento.” Que sabiduría. Estudiemos un poco. En mi libro “My whole heart” te puede ayudar a crecer en esta área.
Por favor pulsar el corazón en mi blog y has comentarios si esto te ha ayudado. Aprecio escuchar de usted.
Very helpful and timely
So glad Glossyna
Hi Jo that’s amazing actually opened my eyes to alot of changes and how wonderful that it’s all from Galatians the fruit of the spirit and also realised how the flesh can justify our impure actions and thoughts it also reminded me that I should not as you quoted even in a scary way judge god in heavy trials …..wow as if I should tell him out of my selfish pride what he should be doing …. I.e give thanks to god in all circumstances I will keep this post as a reminder every day by his grace lord have mercy very very humbling I was just recently thinking lord I need to keep my mind on things that are pure and here it all is humbling very thank you so much
Praise God
Thanks Pastor Jo, it can be so easy to let strife take over forgetting that we have the choice to overcome.
Very timely and encouraging word.
I am going to back to My Whole Heart to help me to kick that frustration to the curb.
God’s richest blessings
That’s fantastic to hear, God bless you abundantly
great content of wisdom and very powerful for our lives. thank you very much
That’s so good to hear. Sending love and blessings to you all
Thanks Jo. This was so timely! I’d only in the last half an hour been thinking about being content with my situation during my time with God. I came indoors and read your blog and it underlined everything for me! It was so God, so much so it’s making me laugh! Jan
Laughter right now is the very best medicine! Love this Jan
Really really timely thank you so much for allowing Him to use you as a weapon ❤️
So so glad this helped
Beautiful, thank you, Pstr Jo. I have been conscious of strife and frustration creeping in every now and again…and trying to practice graciousness and kindness instead. As always, your words encourage and renew my strength and intentions. Praise God.
I am so glad this has been a blessing