After God delivered the people of Israel from Egypt, He instructed them to instigate an annual feast. And what was the purpose?
“This annual festival will be a visible sign to you… Let the festival remind you always to recite… “With a strong hand, the Lord delivered you from Egypt.” Ex 13:9
God established an annual feast for one reason alone: so that His people would never forget His goodness to them. It was so important that they remembered God’s goodness that He created a public holiday.
So how does that apply to you and me? How many times do we pray for something to happen, or not to happen? When God comes through, we may say thank you but soon forget His kindness. And when we turn a corner and times are tough again, we quickly complain.
A Life Changing Night
A few years ago, in the middle of winter, I travelled to Pittsburgh to assist a friend at a conference. I started to feel ill towards the end of the convention. Soon, I had a fever. I carried on the best I could but was glad when it was time to head home.
I waited for my flight via New York to London. As I waited, fog descended. My eyes were glued to the departures board as the delays clocked up. 30 minutes became an hour. Two hours became a three hour delay. Before I knew it, I had missed my flight to London.
Something inside me said that I must not let anything but thankfulness out of my heart. I felt terrible on my flight, still fighting a fever but I kept focused on worship & gratitude.
A Long Night
When I reached New York, I arranged a new flight home for the following morning. But by the time it was sorted, all the comfy seats in the drafty waiting area were gone. I lined up four wooden chairs, put my bag under my head and pulled my coat over myself.
As I lay awake all night feeling aches and pains, all that left my heart was worship. I kept telling God how grateful I was for the privilege of being able to call myself a minister.
When I eventually reached London, I waited at the carousel for my luggage. You guessed it: my bags didn’t arrive. I filled out the forms then headed home, still thanking and somehow still filled with joy.
Two days later, my suitcase was delivered to my house. I thanked the driver and then my Heavenly Father. I learned a life-long lesson that night. I had peace and even joy the whole way through. The best route through the toughest of times is gratitude.
The Science Agrees!
I did some research that blew me away. Multiple studies show that gratitude improves quality of life. There is a link between gratitude and general well-being. Let me mention a few of the benefits:
- Gratitude increases happiness
- It reduces depression
- Grateful people sleep better
- They have higher self-esteem
- They find it easier to build relationships
- Having a thankful heart increases mental strength
- Gratitude even improves physical health
You must remember that for the research to be valid, they had to compare people facing similar circumstances. The differentiator was how thankful their subjects were. Let’s choose heart felt thanks in every season. If you enjoyed this blog, please hit the heart button and comment.
Después que Dios libero a la gente de Israel de Egipto, el instituyó una fiesta anual. Y cuál era el propósito?
“Este festival anual será para ustedes una señal visible, como una marca grabada en la mano o en la frente, que les recuerde recitar siempre esta enseñanza del Señor: “Con mano fuerte, el Señor los rescató de Egipto”.”
Dios estableció una fiesta anual por una razón: para que su gente nunca se le olvidara las bondades de Dios para ellos. También era importante que ellos recordarán las bondades de Dios y que se creara un día de fiesta público.
Cómo esto aplica a usted y a mí? Cuántas veces nosotros oramos para que algo suceda, o no suceda? Cuando Dios da la respuesta, le podemos agradecer pero pronto se nos olvida su bondad. Y cuando damos la vuelta a la esquina y enfrentamos tiempos difíciles, muy rápido volvemos a la queja.
Una noche que lo cambió todo
Años atrás, en medio del invierno, viaje hacia Pittsburgh para asistir a un amigo en una conferencia. Empecé a sentirme un poco enferma hacia el final de la convención. Pronto, tenía fiebre. Traté de manejarme lo mejor que pude pero estaba muy contenta cuando fue el tiempo de regresar a casa.
Yo esperaba por mi vuelo vía New York hacia Londres. Mientras esperaba, descendió la neblina. Mis ojos estaban pegados a la pantalla de salidas mientras todo mostraba retraso. 30 minutos se convirtieron en una hora. Dos horas se convirtieron en tres horas de retraso. Antes que me diera cuenta, había perdido mi vuelo para Londres.
Algunas veces dentro de mí dije no debo de dejar que otra cosa salga de mi corazón si no agradecimiento. Me sentía terrible por causa de mi vuelo, y todavía peleando la fiebre pero me enfoqué en alabanza y gratitud.
Una noche larga
Cuando llegue a New York, arregle un nuevo vuelo hacia casa por la mañana. Pero para el tiempo en que todo se había organizado, todas las sillas cómodas en los cuartos abiertos estaban tomados. Entonces alineé cuatro sillas de madera puse mi maleta debajo de mi cabeza y me cubrí con mi abrigo.
Mientras estaba acostada toda la noche despierta sintiendo dolores, todo lo que salía de mi corazón era alabanza. Me seguí diciendo Dios estoy agradecida porque tuve el privilegio de llamarme a mí misma ministro.
Cuando finalmente llegué a Londres, mientras esperaba por mis maletas en el carrusel. Te lo imaginaste: Mis maletas no llegaron. Llene las formas y me regresé a casa, todavía dándole gracias a Dios porque de alguna manera todavía estaba llena de gozo.
Dos días después, mis maletas llegaron a mi casa. Le agradecí al conductor y después a mi padre celestial. Aprendí una lección muy larga esa noche. Tenía paz e inclusive gozo en medio de todo lo que me tocó vivir. El mejor camino a través de la dificultad es la gratitud.
La ciencia está de acuerdo!
Hice una investigación que me sorprendió. En muchos estudios muestran que la gratitud mejora la calidad de vida. Hay un enlace entre la gratitud y el bienestar general. Permíteme mencionarte alguno de esos beneficios:
Necesitas recordarte eso para que la investigación sea válida, ellos compararon personas que enfrentaron circunstancias similares. La diferencia fue en cuánto tiempo los sujetos estuvieron agradecidos. Escojamos corazones llenos de agradecimiento para cada estación. Si disfrutaste este blog, por favor presiona aquí, dale me gusta y deja los comentarios.
So true! I feel convicted by this word. I commit to increasing my level of gratitude and focusing on keeping a heart posture of gratitude in the face of daily struggles and curveballs. Thank you for this word, Pastor Jo!
Pastor Jo! I read your blogs and have wanted to respond to some in the past. But, I usually start my comments but never finish. Why? Because I am a perfectionist or I try to be and I also thought I was spiritually inept to comment on your blog (the devil is a liar). Having read your ?? latest “One of the greatest Lessons I ever learned” II thought I have to brave this one.
During my contemplative time, I had been reading Acts 18, when Paul was ministering at Corinth v9 The Lord told Paul in a vision “Do not be afraid, but speak and do not be silent”, I am claiming that God is also speaking to me in this matter. Like you Pastor Jo I thank God for the wonderful privilege He has bestowed on me to give him thanks and praise for all His blessings for the times known and times not known when He is taking me through a process to His blessings.
Approximately 15 yrs ago I purchased a home in the Caribbean (new built), on my own, with the intention of retiring there when the time came. Financially it was very hard but the Lord carried me through.To make a long story short. It wasn’t the Lords plan for me to retire in the Caribbean, but, to make me financially stable. I since sold the house, having never lived a day or a night in it.
My late mother who went to live with the Lord over 30yrs. ago used to always say to me “in everything give God thanks”. I thank you for reminding us to be always grateful to God as with it comes never ending blessings.
I thank God for your anointing.
Remain blessed.
I hqd an experience today at California DMV to renew my registration. It cost me loads of money because I hadn’t paid two parking tickets. It would have cost over $800.00 I asked the lady is there something we can do? She replied that if I wrote a short statement telling them my circumstances perhaps they could waive some fees. I prayed while she talked to her manager and they waived over $200.00. I thanked her and told her I had been praying. I was very grateful that it could be done. Sometimes I get frustrated because other than New York, California is the most expensive for everything. Then I get to thinking I’ve been blessed to live here for most of my life and I need to be more grateful.
Thank you for latest blog really helped me being full of a cold and fever chesty cough put a totally different slant on my day being thankful for all God is doing in my life, starting each day with a thankful heart. The joy of the Lord is my strength. Thanking Him for a new day I will rejoice and be thankful in it. Rejoice always.