As my husband was drawing his session at Fixing the Foundations UK to a close last year, I began to weep. I’ve been through loads of healing and thought I was whole! But the Lord shone His light into a hole in my heart.
Although I knew I was deeply loved by my Heavenly Father, I had never seen myself as a princess (the identity of any king’s daughter). An absence of affirmation from my dad all my life had take its toll. I cried as I received new revelation of my value. I remember thinking that it was really inconvenient to be receiving healing while I was trying to lead an event! God ignored my thoughts and healed my heart. Afterwards, I felt new dignity and stability.
You see, relationships hurt in so many ways. Cruel comments from friends, breakdown in family relationships, trouble at school or put downs at work. Misunderstandings with our loved ones, harshness from teachers or the actions of leaders can crush our confidence.
It’s not just the things that go wrong that can hurt. It is also the things that don’t go right that can create a vacuum in our lives. Pain is part of life, so we think it doesn’t matter. Most of us just brush ourselves down and carry on. But it only takes a small fault in our foundations to limit the heights we can go.
Our Heavenly Father knows that unhealed hurts hamper our lives. They slow us down and make us wary of certain people. They cause us to shut down inside. Ecclesiastes 10:11 says, “Remove sorrow from your heart.” The Lord wants to heal every secret sadness in your soul. He wants to lead you (and keep you) on a journey to peace and security.
Isaiah 53:4 says that Jesus, “…has borne our griefs and carried our sorrows…” He took our pain upon Himself so that we could enjoy His healing. Remember, we all get hurt by the people we love. The moment we recognize that we have been wounded, we are a step closer to getting healed.
Just as we should not tolerate sickness in our bodies, but always seek His healing, so we should not settle for any pain in our hearts. Whether you are wounded as a result of what happened a week ago or a decade ago, Jesus made the way for you to be completely restored.
I encourage you to make a decision right now to relentlessly pursue total freedom from pain and sadness. If you have already joined the journey to inner wholeness, don’t stop now. Stick with it. If you are new to this, ask the Lord in prayer today to heal every hidden hurt in your heart. It is not an instant experience, it is a journey but it leads to incredible freedom. Prioritize your inner wellbeing for the sake of your future.
I didn’t know that I still needed to be healed of a daddy wound, but God knew. He knows your heart too and He knows what you need. I encourage you to come to Fixing the Foundations. It is a one day event for absolutely everyone who wants to fulfill their potential. We minister into the inevitable wounds caused by five foundational relationships. We cover mothers, fathers, peers, leaders, and romance.
If you’re in or near Florida, come to Fixing the Foundations in Miami on 29 June. If you’re in the UK, join us on 21 September in London. Book before they fill. You will be amazed at the way God will transform your life and relationships in just one day.
Dear Jo,
Where in London is Fixing the Foundations taking place on the 21st September 2019?
Thank you
Eva Smithson
It’s in Wembley, 5 mins from Wembley Park tube. All the details are on the website. It’s an awesome day!
Jo, I learned so much from your seminars on how much the Lord wants us to be free from our hurts and our past. It has been a continual beautiful healing journey with Him. Thank you so much for doing what you are called to do.
I am so glad to read this comment. Praise our wonderful Lord. Thank you for your encouragement. Sending much love
These blogs are just soo encouraging. Thank you Holy spirit. #CantWaitForJune29
Yay! I’m so glad they’re encouraging! 29th is going to be awesome!
Thank you Jo I’ve recognised some of those things God gave me grace to forgive understand my father and in my heart now I can say you never said you loved me dad you never encouraged me just critising me and put me down, but as I cried I also cried for him because his childhood was awful in God giving me understanding into his heart h was always afraid anxious angry worried about everything negative but in god showing me why it softened my heart I too have given something else to god not completely healed that suffered much critisim from teachers peers ect that I noticed when someone put me down it created a deep anger in me so I’m still praying into that although I might not be able to attend your meeting im doing as you said inviting Jesus into my heart to heal the guilt the shame and not listen to the voice that says I’m not enough. On top of that I pray the lord to help my daughter and granddaughter to heal the strongholds that have been passed down from generations I trust he will his promise Jeremiah 30.17 but I will restore you to health and heal your wounds declares the lord bless you Jo what an amazing ministry you have thank you for your honesty love in Christ Jesus Chrissy Fogarty
He is our faithful healer. I hope you are able to come to one of our events soon. God bless you greatly
Hi Jo
I hope your ministry reaches north UK at some point.
Bless you