I used to offer management coaching to people who had been newly promoted into senior roles to help them develop the skills to be a success. I provided my clients with an analysis of strengths & weaknesses and then we developed a plan to help them grow.
One topic that we covered was the power of thoughts. We all tend to think on at least two levels. We have our conscious thoughts that are at the forefront of our minds. In addition, we have convictions that are beneath the surface.
We are not always conscious of those thoughts, yet they have a significant impact upon our performance. I used to call this realm of unconscious thought the twilight zone and I would help my clients develop the right inner thinking.
Psalm 64:6 says, “The inner thought and heart of man are deep.” The Hebrew word for inner can also be interpreted as heart. It would therefore be possible to translate this verse as follows: “The heart thought – and heart of man – are deep.”
This suggests we have different types of thoughts. We have head thoughts, but we also have heart thoughts. Sometimes our heart thoughts are hidden. They are our inner beliefs about ourselves and the world around us.
Heart thoughts can be so deep that they don’t even have words. They may, at times, be expressed by a sigh or a groan – or they may be completely concealed. Proverbs 23:7 makes a powerful statement: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”
Our heart thoughts determine how we live our lives. Do you remember old fashioned movie projectors? Perched on a tripod, they would project light through rolling tape onto a screen. That’s what our inner thoughts are like. They roll out the movie of our lives.
My heart thoughts will determine the person I become. They draw a boundary around my potential to succeed in almost every area of life. If I think I am capable, I will achieve much more than if I doubt my competence.
God has placed great potential on the inside of you to succeed in every area of life. However, if you doubt your ability deep down or you believe you are a disappointment, you will probably struggle to fulfill that potential.
Heart thoughts are deep convictions. They are the views you hold, and often unconsciously project, about yourself. These thoughts are molded by life’s experiences and they are locked away in the recesses of your soul.
God wants to heal the wounds that created your life limiting heart thoughts. He wants to re-write your inner narrative deep down in your soul. For this, you need to ask God to heal hidden hurts. See it as a way of preparing yourself for the next season.
If you enjoyed this, please hit the heart button at the top and I encourage you to read My Whole Heart, (also on audio book). It will help you uncover buried hindrances so that you can be free to thrive. And don’t forget, enrollment to my mentoring network is open for until Dec 20th for a January start.
Yo ofrecía administración y coaching a personas que eran recientemente promovidas a posiciones de responsabilidad, para que fueran exitosas. Yo le daba a mis clientes una lista con sus fortalezas y debilidades y después desarrollábamos un plan para mejorar.
Uno de los temas era el poder del pensamiento. Tenemos la tendencia de pensar en dos niveles. Tenemos nuestros pensamientos consciente que están en primer plano en nuestra mente. Ademas, hay convicciones que están debajo de la superficie.
No siempre estamos consciente de todos los pensamientos, pero causan impacto en nuestras desiciones. Solía pensar que ámbito inconsciente era una zona nebulosa y le ayudaba a mis clientes a tener una forma correcta de pensar internamente.
Esto nos sugiere una manera diferente de pensar. Tenemos pensamientos de la cabeza, pero también pensamientos del corazón. Muchas veces nuestro pensamiento del corazón está escondido. Son nuestras opiniones profundas de quienes somos y del mundo que nos rodea.
Los pensamientos del corazón son tan profundos que muchas veces no tienen palabras. Se expresan por un suspiro o queja – o están completamente ocultos. Proverbio 23:7 “Porque cual es su pensamiento en su corazón, tal es él.”
Los pensamientos del corazón determinan como vivimos nuestra vida. Recuerdas los proyectores viejos? Montados en un trípode proyectaban la película alumbrando un rollo que corría y era proyectado en una pantalla. Así son nuestros pensamientos internos. Los desenrollan la película de nuestra vida.
Los pensamientos de mi corazón determinarán quien yo seré. Ellos atraen abundancia alrededor del potencial para sacar éxito. Me hacen pensar que soy capaz. Que puedo lograr lo propuesto sin duda a las capacidades.
Dios ha puesto gran potencian en tu interior para que puedas ser exitoso en tu vida. Pero si dudas de tus capacidades bien profundo terminarás creyendo que eres una decepción y tendrás problemas para manifestar tu potencial.
Estos pensamientos del corazón son convicciones profundas. La percepción que interna la terminas proyectando. Estos pensamientos son moldeados por las experiencias del pasado y están encerradas en lo profundo de tu alma.
Dios quiere sanar las heridas del corazón que crean estos pensamientos. El quiere re-escribir la narrativa que está en tu alma. Por eso, pídele a Dios que sane tu corazón. Míralo como una forma de prepararte para la próxima estación.
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