We need faith in this season more than ever. So doubt and unbelief are two of our fiercest foes. We are going to discover how to defeat both.
God promised to bring Israel out of slavery & into their promised land. The Lord did many amazing miracles to get His people out of Egypt then Pharaoh let the people go.
They must have been overjoyed as they left the land of slavery! Exodus 14:8b says, “the children of Israel went out with boldness.” They thought the battle was over.
Have you ever been fighting for your breakthrough? It looked like the victory was here, but then something went wrong? It can be devastating. That’s what happened to Israel.
Exodus 14:9-10 describes what happened next: “The Egyptians pursued them… Israel lifted their eyes, & behold, the Egyptians marched after them. So they were very afraid…”
Suddenly their joy turned to terror. They cried to Moses, “Have you taken us away to die in the wilderness? … It would have been better to serve the Egyptians than die…”
Doubt is when we know the truth but we are wavering or wobbling. We may fight with fear but underneath, we still know it will be well.
Unbelief is when we no longer believe God will come through. Because we don’t believe, hopelessness sets in. We feel like giving up & walking away from the promises of God.
Unbelief often sets in when the battle is long or there is a sudden setback. Shock & disappointment extinguish our faith. The Israelites were overwhelmed when they saw soldiers chasing them. They felt like giving up.
Doubt diminishes faith, unbelief destroys it. We defeat both the same way. Here’s how:
Moses answered the people. He did not address their bewilderment. He dealt with their fear: “Do not be afraid.” We must resist fear. It may be fear of failure, fear of shame, even fear of death. Look it in the eyes and then tell it you are not afraid. God is bigger.
Moses then gave the people the word of the Lord, “Stand still & see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today.” Ask God for a scripture about your situation.
If you already have your bible verse, go back to it again. Take your eyes off the problem & look at the greatness of God. Reset your faith.
The Israelites were being chased by soldiers and had the sea in front of them. It looked hopeless but God was – and still is – able. The Lord always has a way to bring you your breakthrough. Your job is to believe, His part is to know how.
The people resisted fear, reset their faith and moved forward. God made a way where there was no way. He did a miracle never seen before in history: He separated the sea and Israel walked across on dry ground.
Right now, do the same. Look fear in the face and kick it out, then reset your faith. God is bigger than the things that are bigger than you and He is able to make a way.
Please let me know if my blogs bless you. I don’t get to see your face so it is wonderful when I get to see your feedback in the comments.
Necesitamos Fe más que nunca en esta estación. Así que duda e incredulidad son dos grandes enemigos. Vamos a descubrir como vencer sobre los dos.
Dios le prometió al pueblo de Israel sacarlo de la esclavitud y entrarlos a su tierra prometida. El Señor hizo tantos milagros para sacar su gente de Egipto hasta que el faraón les deja salir.
Ellos se sintieron alegres mientras salían de la esclavitud. Éxodo 14:8 “ … pero los hijos de Israel habían salido con mano poderosa.” Ellos pensaron que la batalla había acabado.
Has estado batallando por tu rompimiento? Parecía que la victoria había llegado, pero algo no funcionó? Puede ser devastador. Eso fue lo que sucedió en Israel.
Éxodo 14:9-10 describe lo que sucede después: “los egipcios les persiguieron… los israelitas levantaron sus ojos y ahí estaban los egipcios tras ellos. Ellos tuvieron miedo.”
De repente el gozo se tornó en terror. Ellos reclamaron a Moises, “nos sacas que de Egipto, para morir en el desierto? Era mejor seguir en servidumbre, que morir.”
Duda es cuando sabemos la verdad pero titubeas o tambaleas. Podremos pelear con temor, pero sabiendo en lo profundo que todo va estar bien.
Incredulidad es cuando ya no se cree en Dios y se manifiesta completamente. Porque no creemos, la desesperanza se asienta. Nos sentimos con ganas de soltar y dejar todo atrás y sus promesas.
La incredulidad entra cuando la batalla es larga o hay atrasos. Decepción y conmoción apagan la Fe. Los israelitas estaban abrumados cuando vieron a los soldados persiguiéndoles. Ellos sintieron darse por vencidos.
Duda ignora la Fe, incredulidad la destruye. Podemos vencer sobre los dos, y quiero enseñarte como:
1. Resiste el temor
Moises le contestó al pueblo. El no afirmó su desconcierto. El enfrentó el temor: “no tengan temor.” Necesitamos resistir el temor, puede ser temor al fracaso, a la vergüenza, inclusive temor a la muerte. Míralo a los ojos y dile no tengo temor. Dios es más grande.
2. Reiniciar la Ff
Moises después les dio una palabra del Señor, “párense firmes y verán la salvación del Señor que el dará para ustedes hoy.” Pídele a Dios una escritura para tu situación.
Si ya tienes un verso bíblico, vuelve a ese una vez más. Quita tus ojos del problema y mira la grandeza del Señor. Reinicia tu Fe.
Los israelitas estaban siendo perseguidos por los soldados y tenían un mar delańte de ellos. Parecía desesperación pero Dios sigue siendo capaz. El Señor siempre tiene una manera de desatar rompimiento. Tu asignación es creer, Su parte es saber como.
Las personas que resisten el temor, reinician su Fe y avanzan, Dios hace camino donde no había camino. El manifestó un milagro no antes visto en la historia: el separó el mar y los israelitas cruzaron en seco.
Ahora, haga lo mismo. Mire el temor a los ojos y enfréntelo, y reinicie su Fe. Dios es más grande que las cosas, más grande que usted y El tiene poder para hacer un camino.
Por favor, déjame saber si mi blog te bendice. No puedo ver tu rostro pero si puedo leer tus comentarios.
Thankyou Jo.
A very much needed word.
Reset and kick out fear. !
So glad it hit the spot Lavinia
Good Morning Jo, beautiful reading, love this. I just read your blog as part of my morning devotional. I used to be afraid of things but thanks to God, I prayed and asked him to take fear away from me and things or even even when I cannot be at places alone now I can and it’s getting better every day. and give all the glory to God who is and always be with me no matter what or where I am. Thanks again and please stay safe and healthy! Amen!
Praise God for what He has done! He is so faithful
Thank you very much Jo. I needed that word. God bless you, Glossyna
I am so glad this helped Glossyna
Hi Jo, this blog was a BLESSING , giving the understanding & reminder what is doubt & unbelief so that I am aware.
Thank you for the help
So glad to hear this Silvia
Blessed, thank you, Pastor Jo.
Praise God!
Thank you for a anointed word for such a time as this. With such clarity. God is good all the time….. God bless you and your family. Amen
And God bless you and your loved ones too Melissa!
Thank you for this word Pastor Jo. Love the way you don’t just say what to do, but how to! I need that! . God bless you. Xx
So glad to hear this Donna!
The Lord is using you in a mighty way. Keep listening to the Holy Spirit . Thanks very much for your word of encouragement today.
Praise God – He is faithful
I have only just read this what a blessing.
This really made me feel powered and ready to deal with fear and doubt
Amazing gift you have Pastor Jo
Your word hits the heart everytime
God bless
Praise God that’s wonderful to hear Sharon
Needed this. I need to reset my faith
So happy this helped
Amen, I needed to hear this, there are days in these times when I feel anxious and afraid, any twinge in my body sends all sorts of thoughts… I will boldly declare every moment that I am not afraid , God is bigger than this and he has not given me a spirit of fear
Absolutely and amen Yvette!