How To Handle Unpleasant Memories | Cómo Manejar Memorias No Gratas

By 13th October 2021 Uncategorised

When I woke up on the days after our daughter died, I would sometimes forget the loss for a few moments. But the empty space in the corner of our bedroom where her baby listening monitor used to sit usually jolted me back to reality.

My mind would would then be swept into a series of flashbacks. I would see my little girl lying unwell on my tummy in the middle of the night, then I would remember my fear as she kept snuggling as close as she could.

I would find myself back in that horrible place of panic and despair, not knowing what to do. Soon, I would see her asleep the following morning as I went to work. I would watch myself leave the house (wishing I had stayed). 

Next, I would be on the train to London and I would hear that mobile phone call with my husband and the angst in our voices. I would then get that message. Naomi had been rushed to hospital and I must leave work immediately.

I would see the corner of the meeting room where I was standing as I listened to that fateful voicemail. I got to the hospital quickly, but the rest is history. Once or twice, the memories sucked me into a paralysing sense of dread.

The Power Of Flashbacks

A flashback is a vivid recollection of a traumatic event. Certain experiences, situations or people may trigger flashbacks. These might include reminders of a trauma, such as particular smells, certain sounds, or specific places.

The screeching of brakes or the whirring of sirens might take you straight back to a terrible accident. The mention of certain people, a type of disease or specific locations could pull you into a downward spiral. 

You may find things difficult on significant dates, such as the anniversary of a bad experience or a loved one’s birthday. Alternatively, there may be words that act as triggers – or even books, movies and songs.

1. Don’t Hide From The Rewind 

Flashbacks are distressing so the temptation is to hide from the rewind. Our memories end up becoming objects of dread and develop a power of their own to cause anguish. 

As a result, we shut away certain episodes in ‘no-go’ rooms hidden in our hearts. We dare not open the doors of those rooms because the contents are too painful. When something opens the door, we try to turn our faces away. 

We think that by avoiding those memories, we are helping ourselves to recover. The truth is that if you run away from distressing memories, they gain power through your fear.

Whenever we have suffered any type of pain, there is a temptation to avoid any distressing memories. However, avoiding pain does not make it go away. It actually makes things worse.

2. Seek Your Healing 

After a few months, I decided to stop running away from painful memories. Every time I was reminded of something distressing, I brought it to the Lord in prayer. I never again had a flashback & began my healing journey.   

Please decide today to stop turning away from unpleasant memories. Instead, bring hidden hurts to the Lord in prayer whenever they come to mind. Tell Him what you went through and ask Him to heal your precious heart. 

If you want to be free from the pain of the past so you can enjoy your life, don’t miss Healed for Life – The Virtual Encounter (Nov 19-20). God will do more than you could ask or imagine in just two days. Check it out here and book your spaces fast. 

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