Jesus told a parable about two brothers who were asked to do something for their father. One said yes but didn’t while the other said no, yet went on to do what he was told. Jesus made the point that’s it’s better to obey.
That parable always reassured me. You see I normally do what I’m told in the end, even if I whine a little on the way. Then I saw an old verse in a brand new light:
“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the fat of the land” Isaiah 1:19
Getting God’s best
I don’t think this verse is promising us a great meal out. For us today, I believe that the “fat of the land” refers to God’s best for our lives. Scripture is explaining how we can access God’s richest blessings – and obedience alone isn’t enough. We need to be willing as well.
The Lord revealed this word to my heart as I was praying. I immediately started to say sorry to God. You see, I find it easy to obey the two or three men and women that God He has placed in my life as overseers.
However, I don’t always like to do what my husband asks! He has a knack of giving instructions when I would least like to obey. Let me give you two examples.
Not now!
I might be in the middle of writing a new chapter for my book – the words would be flowing freely -then I would hear my husband holler, “Come here please, there is something I need you to look at.”
Or, after a long day, we may have had dinner on trays and we are watching a wonderful movie. Then my husband will pipe up: “Jo, can you take the trays out please.”
What I want to say is, “No!”, or, “Why can’t our strapping young son do that?” But of course I know I can’t do that. So instead, I do it with attitude: I clutter and clank and perhaps leave one tray behind. I do what I’m told – or most of it – in the end.
It’s a heart issue
Then the Holy Spirit convicted me. If I really want His plans and purposes for my life, I need to change my heart. Proverbs 4:24 says that our hearts determine the course of our lives.
There are not many reasons I can think of why I wouldn’t want to take the trays out – but laziness and pride are two distinct possibilities. Like I wrote in I Better Watch It, behaving like a servant is one of the best ways we can drive out pride.
Consent with content
As I prayed, I promised God that I would work on my willingness. The word willing simply means cheerfully consenting. Put simply, it is consent with content, or serving our trickiest “clients” with a genuine smile.
I am working hard to say a resounding yes to my husband’s requests. It kills my flesh and I don’t always get it right, but it’s great for my heart. Why not join me on a journey towards inner well-being and love? Our books and courses will help you on the way.