Anger can be awful. Frustration grows and peace leaves. We express it in different ways. You may shut the door while your thoughts fester. You could become impatient and agitated.
You might bark at people, ensuring everyone knows you are upset. Perhaps you get moody, or maybe you explode when it reaches a crescendo.
When anger builds, it has to be released. The place to vent is not at the people around you, it is in prayer. When you feel furious, release your steam in God’s presence.
Tell the Lord what has made you angry. King David said: “I pour out my complaint before Him; I declare before Him my trouble.” (Psalm 142:2)
The Psalmist went to God and told Him what had angered him, knowing He is the Judge who can bring justice. Once you have told the Lord, leave every bit of anger at His feet.
You may regularly wrestle with rage or it could be just occasional. Either way, I want to reassure you, you can conquer anger.
James 1:19-20 in the Amplified gives us some pointers: “Let every man be quick to hear [a ready listener], slow to speak, slow to take offense and to get angry…” Here are some steps to help you deal with anger towards the people around you.
1. Listen – It is amazing how much we love to be heard. But the Bible tells us to listen. Take the time to listen and try to understand what others are saying. It will help you (even more than them).
2. Don’t Speak – When we are angry, we can be full of talk. Whether it comes out of my mouth or churns inside is not that relevant. Love believes the best. It does not jump to conclusions. Let’s refuse the rant in our minds and choose to love.
3. Don’t Take Offense – We like to use all sorts of words to disguise offense: “I’m not offended, I’m just cross, I’m just upset!” These are simply different words for the same heart issue.
If we hold negative attitudes for any length of time, offense will take root. Once offense finds a home in our hearts, it clouds our judgement, poisons our hearts and robs our joy. Offense is a choice, so let’s refuse it every time.
4. Let It Go – Anger is not passive. It creates negative energy inside and spoils lives. The final step is to let it go. God lets you and me off every time we miss it. Let’s be like Him. Let it go and keep letting it go until anger has no hold.
If you struggle with anger or have been hurt by the anger of others, Dreamstealers Online will help. I deal with 7 common heart problems that delay & destroy destinies. Anger is one of them. Allow God to take you on a journey to greater security and peace.
El enojo puede ser terrible. La frustración se acumula y la paz se desvanece. Nosotros expresamos el enojo de diferentes formas. Usted puede cerrar la puerta y le puede perminitir a sus pensamientos que se enconen. Te puedes volver impaciente y agitado.
Le puedes ladrar a las personas, asegurándote que todos sepan que estás enfadado(a). Puede que seas una persona malhumorada, o explotas cuando todo llega a un crescendo.
Cuando el enojo se acumula adentro, tiene que ser desatado. Pero no es correcto desahogarse con las personas que nos rodean, debes hacerlo en oración. Cuando te sientes furioso, saca todo ese vapor en la presencia de Dios.
Cuéntale al Señor lo que te ha enojado. El rey David bien dijo : “Delante de él expondré mi queja; Delante de él manifestaré mi angustia.”Salmos
El salmista fue a Dios y le contó lo que le enojaba, reconociendo que El es un Jues que puede traer justicia. Una vez le has contado todo al Señor, deja to enojo en a sus pies.
Pueda que luches con furia todo el tiempo y probablemente de manera ocasional. De cualquier forma, quiero reafirmarte, que tu puedes vencer el enojo.
Santiago 1:19-20 en la versión amplificada nos da algunas directrices “que cada hombre sea pronto para oír (preparado para oír ) lento para hablar, lento para ofenderse y enojarse.” A continuación algunos pasos que te ayudaran a tratar el enojo hacia los que te rodean.
- Escucha – a todos nos gusta que nos escuchen. Pero la biblia nos manda a escuchar. Toma tiempo para escuchar a otros y trata de entender lo que otros están diciendo. Te va ayudar (más a ti que ellos).
- No hables – cuando estamos enojados , estamos llenos de habladuría. Sea que sale de mi boca o lo que se agita en lo profundo no es tan relevante. El amor cree lo mejor. No salta a conclusiones. Rehusemos a vociferar nuestra mente y escojamos amar.
- No te ofendas – nos gusta usar todo tipo de palabra para disfrazar la ofensa. “ no estoy ofendida, estoy disgustada, estoy enfadada.” Hay diferentes palabras para el mismo problema del corazón.
Si retenemos actitudes negativas por un largo periodo de tiempo, la ofensa tomara raíces. Una vez la ofensa toma raíces en el corazón, entenebrece el juicio, envenena nuestros corazones y nos roba el gozo.
- Déjalo ir – el enojo no es pasivo. El crea una energia negativa y y daña las vidas. El paso final es dejarlo ir. Dios deja el enojo con nosotros cada ves que fallamos. Seamos como El. Soltemos el enojo una y otra ves hasta que seamos completamente libres de el.
Si estás luchando con el enojo y has sido lastimado por el enojo de otros hacia ti, adquiere nuestro curso en línea “ladron de sueños” (DREAMSTEALERS). Imparto sobre 7 problemas comunes del corazón que pueden atrasar o destruir tu destino. El enojo es uno de ellos. Permítele a Dios que te lleve por un camino de mayor seguridad y paz.
I didn’t realise that the silent treatment was a characteristic of anger until I did Dream Stealers online!!! Ouch‼️
It’s amazing how our hearts can deceive us
Anger is something that’s been with me for years there are times when I believe that I have dealt with it but it comes back time and time again. Anger as cost me my marriage today I’m tired of it I left my wife and now living with a woman who as bored me two children. All because of anger it been a stigma thoughout my life it as affected my family my friends it as taken over my whole life and destroyed everything I had.
Harold I am so sorry to hear about how it has affected you. I’m praying for you for freedom. Being healed of the deep rooted issues that created the anger will be key.
So sorry to hear this Harold. With respect, I wonder if you also need some external therapeutic support to address your anger, alongside your relationship with God. Speak to your GP re referral to talking therapy. You could benefit from a little professional support also when things get too out of hand.
I work in the field, so felt I needed to say this (excuse me ).
Thank you, Pstr Jo and Amen.
Holding in mind also what Christine’s comments to last week’s post (30/05), as well as the general mood of people in particular communities in recent weeks especially – in the context of power abuses in the world/society, I embrace all of the above and God’s word. Taking it to God is the priority when things are beyond our human limitations, but I believe it also to important not to mistake what I think you are also saying, Pstr Jo, that we are not being directed to quash the anger, but channel it to SPEAK OUT in a way that we will be better heard/understood . Repressed feelings only lead to self-destructive acts, and doesn’t tackle the enemy. And SILENCE and self-blame only perpetuates injustices and abuses. So, no I don’t believe that would ever be advocated – in God’s name.
Let’s take care of ourselves and each other, especially at this time.
Yes. We must always let out our feelings in Gods presence. Bless you
Ahh, I’m sorry my computer has a mind of it’s own with the typos. So here it is again:
Thank you, Pstr Jo and Amen.
Holding in mind also Christine’s comments to last week’s post (30/05), as well as the general mood of people in particular communities in recent weeks especially -in the context of power abuses in the world/society – I embrace all of the above and God’s Word. Taking it to God is the priority when things are beyond our human limitations, but I believe it is also important not to mistake what I think you are also saying, Pstr Jo – i.e., that we are not being directed to quash the anger, but channel it to SPEAK OUT in a way that we will be better heard/understood . Repressed feelings only lead to self-destructive acts, and doesn’t tackle the enemy. And SILENCE and self-blame only perpetuates injustices and abuses. So, no I don’t believe that would ever be advocated – in God’s name.
Let’s take care of ourselves and each other, especially at this time.
I will also finish my reply… thank you so much for sharing your thoughts. At the end of the day, we must allow God’s word to be our ultimate source of wisdom. It says in Eph 4:26 that we must not allow anger to remain longer than one day or else we give the devil a foothold. So we must give God all our anger. Then without anger and full of peace, we can ask Him for the wisdom to do our part towards bringing resolution. We can hear and follow the still small voice of the Holy Spirit when we have peace.
My anger resurfaces way too often!
I usually hurt myself, as I self destructive.
I grew up learning that I was responsible for everything. Everyone
It has paralyzed me.
I need God, but kept him at arms length.
People too! It’s lonely
Mary I am so sorry to hear this. I’m praying for you now. I really believe the online video course I mention in this blog will help you start to heal (it’s available via our website). God bless and restore you.
Thank you Jo so much I didn’t really know how to do this at first to actually empty out so I asked the holy spirit to help me I realised it sometimes takes time waiting being still to allow the holy spirit in
To work or it can as it has done with me something drops back into my heart that I hadn’t understood was there so thank you dear father you never give up on us help us to keep moving on this amazing journey and let us not be afraid that we might not have reached our destiny or complete healing yet but as Paul says to keep on pushing through with god’s love for he never gives up on any of us we are being transformed from glory to glory thank you Jo wonderful blog this week it’s not always explained to people how to do this thank you
I’m so glad that this blog helped Christine. Thank you for sharing – I appreciate it.
Thank you so much for this Jo. I found that especially when fear threat of heavy burdens came i got frustrated angry agitated ……. Especially if loved one was in danger the fear fight hit anxiety raised
And my mood would fluctuate because= of surrendering it to god as suggested I hadn’t realised
Because I couldn’t protect or help i took my anger out on others
I can see what the scripture says fret not fret not for it leads to evil
As i become more aware of my impatience and lack of not keep surrendering the burdens i was constantly carrying them in my mind ,,, that frantic panick which caused confusion more anxiety now I’m learning to in my mind say lord I’m fretting please take this fear from me your peace lord I need to be at peace to hear you this battle i can not solve on my own i now release it to you
It’s amazing al these years of being a Christian I had not understood how to call on Jesus for these negative emotions
I liked the scripture james talk less listen more I hadn’t realised i was living in anxiety fretting so much
Thank you so much it brings to light the idea of taking things slowly i was always very busy mentally physically I’m glad the lord is bringing to my attn now what’s going on
It’s also brought to light a stronghold of Alert defend protect when that’s gods job and he is trying
To protect me and allowing him to do the protecting thanks for letting me share
The need to get enough rest too ive started turning off too much media ….and trying to prioritise
I thank you lord for revealing this to me ….on that journey now, I didn’t realise the feelings in my stomach was anger I named it as fear and justified it wow
It’s helped me to share this because asi write it i see it even ore clearly thank you jo
Thank you Jesus