Doctors practice medicine. Attorneys practice law. I think we need to practice love. There are many words used to describe God. However, our Lord isn’t just loving, He actually is love.
You and I were made in His image which means we were designed to be and show love. I want to share three ways that you and I can practice walking in love. I need this as much as anyone else!
- LOVE BELIEVES – 1 Corinthians 13 says that love believes the best. It is easy to be suspicious and anyone can judge. It takes great grace to be generous in our outlook. We don’t have to jump to negative conclusions. We can choose to believe the best about the intentions of others.
- LOVE COVERS – Proverbs 10:12 says that love covers all sins. How does that work? Love forgives before anyone asks. Love keeps a tender heart when others are becoming hard. Love chooses not to keep a record of wrongs.
- LOVE IS KIND – Kindness is one of the most affirming fruits of the Spirit. When we are kind to someone, we are communicating through our attitudes and actions that they are valuable. We are thoughtful and gentle. Kind people are patient.
At the end of a ministry trip in the Middle East, I was waiting in line to check in for my flight home. I was tired and ready to relax. Soon there was a stir. One of the airline staff was having a loud argument with a passenger. It was quite a scene!
Passengers waiting to check in became increasingly annoyed as even the manager seemed unable to control the situation. Eventually, the assistant was released from his role and the manager took over.
One by one passengers gave the manager a piece of their mind. Now it was my turn. Even though I had been irritated, when I reached the front of the line, I simply said, “You’re doing a wonderful job.”
Almost instantly, the woman’s eyes filled up with tears and she replied, “Thank you so much pastor Jo!” I was startled! I had no idea that this lady had attended the conference.
All I could think about was how close I had come to tarnishing the reputation of the ministry. I spent most of the journey home thanking God that He had helped me to restrain my frustrations and “put on love” (Colossians 3:14).
I’ve missed it many times on my love walk. When I miss it, I inevitably lose my peace. In contrast, it feels good to be loving. If you want to grow more, 30 Day Detox for your Soul has a day dedicated to love.
The more we get healed, the easier it is to be patent and kind so come along to one of our events near you and let God do an awesome work in your heart and life.
Thank you once again Pastor Jo. I often am accused of forgiving too easily. Or I’m reprimanded because I DON’T “think the worst of” others. I get teased for it. I’m so glad to read that It’s ok.
SO true!
Thank you very much for sharing such great wisdom as always.
May God continue to bless and reward you richly.