Do you need a new lease of life for the year ahead? I’m sure you want to start strong, but if you’re feeling weary, it can be hard to find the “get up and go”.
It’s easy to think it’s normal to be tired. When you have challenges coming from every direction, it can wear you down. However, God does not want you to be tired.
Doing the will of God should not drain us. Jesus said, “My burden is light and my yoke is easy.” Fulfilling our purpose should energise not exhaust.
I would like to lead you through 3 steps to getting refreshed.
Matthew 11:28- says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” When we are spent or flagging, Jesus says something like this, “Come and spend some time in My presence. Offload on Me and then I will fill you up afresh.”
If you’re weary, stop right now and pray. Tell the Lord how you feel and why. Run into your loving Savior’s arms. Pull yourself aside and pour out your heart to Jesus. Tell Him what’s made you weary and then just linger for a while in His wonderful presence.
We know that refreshing comes from the Lord but there’s no sweeter time to be replenished in His presence than when we were weary. He wants to breathe new life into your heart and refresh your soul. But it doesn’t stop there. Our hearts might be revised but our minds still need renewing.
The other New Testament instruction about tiredness is in Galatians 6:9: “And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.”
Here we are warned of the dangers of giving in to tiredness. We have to make a choice to get up and go again. We need to kick every trace of discouragement out of our life and remind ourselves once more of His promises.
I encourage you to get hold of God’s word again and speak strength to yourself: “You are well able, you were designed for this. Every purpose and plan God has for you shall stand!”
The thing is, this journey is a marathon. But there are water holes for refreshing all the way there. If you are feeling dry or depleted, it’s time to get revived in His presence so that you can hit the ground running in 2019.
If you would like the Holy Spirit to rejuvenate you from the side out, read (and then re-read) 30 Day Detox for your Soul. And come along to REFRESH. We are in London on 26 January and north Miami on 2 February. Think of it like a spiritual spa for your soul. You will be amazed at the refreshing you will receive.