Romans 5:3 makes a bizarre statement: “We glory in tribulation.” The Hebrew word for glory in this context means rejoice or revel. Tribulation means virtually every kind of problem that produces pain and pressure.
So why on earth would anyone revel in such tough times? It makes no sense. In fact, if you’re struggling right now, this verse may even sound insensitive.
In truth, there are several ways God uses our problems to help us fulfil our purpose. In last week’s blog, we unpacked the power of provocation. Today I will share about preparation.
Let’s look at the life of David. When he was just a teenager, he shot to prominence and was celebrated by a nation. He volunteered to face Goliath and in so doing paved the way for rapid promotion. But what gave David the confidence to fight a giant?
You might say God but that’s a bit too spiritual. God could have given anyone the boldness and faith needed. No, according to David himself, he learned his lessons from brutal battles with a bear and lion.
Loins & bears
Wild beasts are no joke. Loins can tear a person apart with very little effort. Don’t forget David was just a young lad when he found himself fighting for his life alone in the wilderness.
And I doubt David escaped unscathed. I would imagine he was cut and bruised and probably traumatised by the whole experience. But somewhere in the middle of those brutal battles, David discovered that although he was small in stature, there was a mighty warrior within.
He faced a lion and a bear to save a few of his father’s sheep. But David faced Goliath to save an entire nation. What must have felt like a terrible trial was in fact preparing him for his purpose.
Turn around
The saddest experience of my life was watching my little girl die before her second birthday. My husband and I were devastated and our lovely little family was shattered.
But as God reached His hand into my broken heart and brought healing, I cried out to Him to use me to heal the broken hearted. The Lord didn’t only take my pain away, He gave me a ministry of healing. Now, when I see Him heal through me, I rejoice.
A change of perspective
When David looked Goliath in the eye, he saw his enemy as an opportunity. I think it’s time for us to change our view of our problems.
“For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory…” 2 Corinthians 4:17
Our trials work for us. They do something for us by doing something in us. And out the other side, we really can see how God gets glorified.
Sometimes our trials are more than just tests, they are traumas. If you are still carrying the sadness of struggles around with you, God wants to heal your heart. Our books will help bring you on a journey to restoration. And if you haven’t yet booked to come to Healed for Life, check out the next event near you.
Thank you for your honest, down-to-earth revelations, they are so helpful and encourage us to be honest about our pain and sadness. You encourage us to press on into God and discover that He is the answer to all our murmurings, confusion, anger, pain, loss, shame – He can meet every longing and need of our lives if we will only stand still and be honest with Him. what an incredible Saviour, comforter, friend, healer. There is nothing He does not understand and cannot heal and restore. Praise Him.