Feeling alone can produce a deafening silence. Sitting by yourself with a sadness beneath the surface. Loneliness can feel like a cold cloak separating you from friendship and love.
It’s not necessarily that you don’t have anyone with you. Perhaps you feel a deep, unmet need for companionship. Maybe you can’t relate to the people around you. Perhaps you’re unable to share your thoughts and feelings freely.
A cold marriage can be a desolate place. People think you have it all but you feel empty. You long for intimacy, looking back at the times when you shared so much. You feel like you are house sharing with a room mate.
I remember being on my own at a conference. There were crowds in every direction but I felt alone. At a lunch for special guests, ministers dined with their travel companions while I sat by myself at a table for two.
No-one did anything to wound me and yet I felt hurt by the isolation. I looked around pretending to be searching for someone when really I was looking for anyone. Loneliness can feel like rejection.
King David cried to God: “Turn to me & be gracious to me, for I am lonely…” Ps 25:16. He was saying, “I feel alone & it hurts!” David was nearly always surrounded by people but felt isolated.
Loneliness isn’t always a lack of relationships. It is often caused by an absence of fellowship or by unhealed hurts, but it can be resolved in God’s presence. When we tell Him exactly how we feel & pour out our pain, He will pour in His liquid love.
My book, ‘My Whole Heart’ will help you on your healing journey. As you heal, you will sense greater security and fulfillment. He will fill the vacuum so that you can thrive while you wait for Him to provide destiny friends.
When I first started travelling to the US, I was nervous being alone. Ten hour flights followed by empty hotel rooms. I brought my concerns to God and He revealed Himself to me as my closest companion. Now I treasure time alone. I feel loved.
The Holy Spirit is your Comforter and your Friend. He is with you all the time and Ps 27:14 says: “He shall strengthen your heart”. Having said that, we were created for fellowship with one another so being in rewarding relationships is God’s best.
If you’re lonely, please be real with God in prayer. Tell Him how you’re feeling and ask Him to fill you afresh with His love and His companionship. Then ask the Lord to knit you together with destiny people. Please let me know if this has helped you, I love to hear from you!
Sentirse solo puede producir un silencio ensordecedor. Sentirse solo y con tristeza debajo de la superficie. La soledad se puede sentir como un manto frío que nos separa de la compañía del amor.
No necesariamente significa, que no tienes a alguien a tu lado. Quizá sientes un profundo sentimiento y necesidad de compañía no provista. Quizá no te puedes relacionar con los que te rodean. Quizá no puedes compartir tus pensamientos y sentimientos con Libertad.
Un matrimonio frío puede ser desolador. La gente piensa que lo tienes todo, pero estás vacío. Desear intimidad, buscas en los recuerdos en que compartiste tanto. Te sientes en tu casa, pero compartiendo con compañeros.
Recuerdo que estaba en una conferencia. Una multitud en todas las direcciones pero sintiéndome sola. En el almuerzo para invitados especiales, ministros comiendo con sus acompañantes, mientras yo estaba sentada sola en una mesa para dos.
Nadie hizo nada para herirme, pero me sentía herida por el aislamiento. Miraba alrededor como si estaba buscando a alguien cuando en realidad estaba buscando a cualquiera. La soledad se puede sentir como rechazo.
El rey david le clamó a Dios: “Mírame, y ten misericordia de mí, Porque estoy solo y afligido.”Salmos
Soledad no es siempre la ausencia de relaciones. Es muchas veces causada por la falta de compañerismo o por heridas no sanas, pero se resuelve en la presencia de Dios. Cuando le podemos decir exactamente como nos sentimos y vertir nuestro dolor como agua. El verterá su amor líquido en nosotros.
Mi libro “corazón completo” (my whole heart) te ayudará en tu proceso de sanidad. Mientras sanas, sentirán gran seguridad y llanura. El llenará la aspiradora para que puedas seguir avanzando mientras esperas por esos amigos de destino.
Cuando empecé a viajar a los Estados Unidos me sentía nerviosa por estar sola. Un viaje de diez horas seguido por un cuarto de hotel vacío. Le entregue mi preocupación a Dios y el se reveló a mi y se convirtió en mi compañía más cercana. Ahora atesoro mis tiempos sola. Me siento amada.
El Espíritu Santo es tu consolador y tu amigo. El está contigo todo el tiempo y el salmón 27:14 dice: “Aguarda a Jehová; Esfuérzate, y aliéntese tu corazón; Sí, espera a Jehová.” Dicho esto , fuimos creados para compartir entre nosotros y el tener relaciones valiosas es lo mejor de Dios.
Si te sientes solo/a, por favor se real con Dios en oración. Dile como te sientes y pídele que te llene de su fresco amor y compañía. Después pídele al Señor que te alinee con gente de destino.
Thank you. I cried as I read this. This is me.
I am so glad to hear that this has helped. I am praying. God bless you
Thank You Jo, I struggle from being and feeling lonely. I am ready and at the point to be REAL with God and you gave me site how he will pour out his liquid LOVE.,
I’m praying for you. He is so faithful when we come to Him for healing
Be real is right!!
We cannot look to man to provide something that only God can give us.
Great word!
So true Glenda! Glad you enjoyed
So true Jo. Sometimes I feel like I’m locked up inside. Thank you for sharing. Xx
So glad it resonated Donna
Hoy necesitaba leer algo así . Aveces me siento tan sola , hoy es uno de eso días y al leer esto me ha animado . Gracias por compartir
Estoy muy contento de que haya ayudado. Dios te bendiga
Thank you Jo for bringing God’s words to us especially during these lonely & unprecedented times
Vicki I’m so very glad they are helping in some way
I really needed this! These blogs are always on time and encourage me to keep going. Thank you!
I’m so glad Gabrielle. God bless you
I read this earlier today, recognised this feeling from the past and thought, well can’t say anything now as I feel so fortunate (blessed) that I am hardly feeling the isolation of lockdown. But, then I felt compelled to come back and testify that the opening up to God that Joe talks about in this blog helped me to heal hidden hurts. So, I couldn’t very well just read it and leave it as if “oh that’s not me anymore, or right now” although I’m also saying grateful I don’t feel that way now.
Have a blessed week and hope those the article spoke to really do give it a go taking it to God. Faith and hope
I thank God for your heart after Him. May He bless you more and more
*sorry, typo: (pstr) Jo, not Joe, with an E
I have felt alone for years and in a marriage that is so empty, I was informed by a beautiful friend to follow your website as my heart is in desperate need of healing. So today, I’ve started this new journey and am allowing God to go deep into the pain, and to lead me where I need to go! I will look at your resources and know God is going to bring me freedom through them. Bless you so much.
Sheila I am so sorry to hear of your pain and I pray that God will take you on a wonderful healing journey. Please let me know how you are doing admin@jonaughton.com