By 17th December 2021 Uncategorised

What happens in your heart when you see your dreams coming to pass in someone else’s life? It could be a social media post or in a story you heard. How do you feel if the blessing is coming to a person that you don’t like that much?

A Moment Of Truth

As I was flicking through Facebook one day, I saw an image of a woman enjoying success in an area that I had been praying about for years. I didn’t know this lady very well, but I instinctively felt a sense of discontent. 

My thoughts were hidden, but somewhere under the surface, I was thinking, “That’s not fair. Why does she deserve this breakthrough?” As I continued looking at the post, my heart began to harden towards this woman. 

I found myself questioning her motives and assuming she was a bit superficial. A host of mildly critical assumptions hovered just beneath the surface. I was not really aware of my unpleasant response until the Holy Spirit showed me my heart. 

Not only that, the Lord revealed that this had become a regular reaction to certain successes enjoyed by particular types of people.

Call It What It Is

Envy has two meanings. It is wanting what belongs to someone else. Secondly, it is a feeling of discontent when confronted with the advantages enjoyed by another person.

Jeremiah 17:9 is painfully true when it says that the heart is deceitful. I had no idea that I felt envy and I didn’t realise that I had resented other people’s successes. 

I apologized to the Lord and started to pray daily for greater success and favor for three people that I know realized I had once envied. 

Two Ways Envy Spoils Destinies 

1.   Sickness

Proverbs 14:30 says, “A sound heart is life to the body, but envy is rottenness to the bones.” According to scripture, envy leads to bone decay. That sounds to me a lot like arthritis or osteoporosis. 

2.    Stagnation

Envy is desiring something that belongs to someone else. God gave us the ability to desire as a means of growing hope in our hearts. When we desire God’s promises, it propels us to persevere and pray. 

If we desire what belongs to someone else, it fixes our focus on something that we cannot have. It takes our eyes off God’s promises and onto other people. It can cause us to feel discontented and to get stuck.

If you realise that you have envied someone else’s blessings, apologise to the Lord and ask Him to bless the person you once resented. Start to thank the Lord for every good thing that He has done for you. That will get your heart back on track.

Would you like 2022 to be a year of growth and fulfillment? If yes, then Jo’s Mentoring Network may be just what you need. Check it out here. If you enjoyed this blog please hit the heart button and share your comments.

Que sucede en tu corazón cuando ves tu esperanza y deseo cumplido en otra persona? Puede ser en un post en redes sociales o que alguien te lo cuente. Como te sientes si ves la bendición llegar a alguien que no es de tu gusto? 


Un día mirando en Facebook vi la imagen de una mujer que disfrutaba éxito en un área que yo he estado orando por años. Yo no conozco a esta señora, pero sentí descontento inmediato.

Mis pensamientos estaban enterrados, pero en la superficie, decía “no es justo, porque ella merece el rompimiento?.” Mientras miraba el post mi corazón empezó a endurecerse hacia esta mujer.

Empecé a cuestionar sus motivos y asumí que ella era superficial. Un cúmulo de críticas se movían debajo la superficie. No me había dado cuenta de los problemas en el corazón hasta que el Espíritu Santo me lo revelo.

No solo eso, el Señor me revelo que era una reacción frecuente frente al éxito de personas en particular. 


La envidia tiene dos significados: querer algo que le pertenece a alguien más, segundo, es un sentimiento de descontento confrontado con las ventajas disfrutadas por alguien más. Es un sentimiento horrible de estafa.

Jeremías 17:9 nos dice dolorosamente Que engañoso es el corazón más que todas las cosas. Yo no sabia que estaba sufriendo de envidia y que estaba resentida con el éxito de otros. 

Le pedí perdón a Dios y empecé a orar a diario por mayor éxito y favor por tres personas que ahora me doy cuenta,  las estaba envidiando.


  1. ENFERMEDAD – prov 14:30 “El corazón apacible es vida de la carne; Mas la envidia es carcoma de los huesos.” Según la escritura, la envidia lleva a los huesos a decaer. Esto suena a artritis o osteoporosis.
  1. ESTANCAMIENTO – envidia es desear algo que le pertenece a alguien más. Dios nos dio el deseo con mecanismo para crecer la esperanza en el corazón. Cuando deseamos las promesas De Dios, nos empuja a perseverar y orar. 

Si deseamos lo que es de alguien más, nos enfocamos en lo que no podemos poseer. Nos quita la mirada de las promesas De Dios y nos enfoca en otros. Eso causa que nos sintamos descontento y nos estancamos.

Si te distes cuenta que envidiabas la bendición de alguien más. Pídele perdón al Señor y ora para que Dios bendiga a la persona que un día sentiste resentimeinto. Empieza a agradecerle a Dios por cada bendición que te ha dado. Eso alineará tu corazón de nuevo. 

Si disfrutaste este blog, por favor presiona el corazón al principio, comparta y déjanos un comentario de lo que Dios le ha hablado. 

One Comment

  • Maureen Alber says:

    Rheumatoid arthritis and osteo arthritis run in my familly…..4 of us have this disease. So I don’t know what is causing it, but I prayed far a young lady in our church, of whom I realized I had been jealous. I prayed that Jesus would heal her body from the effects of Covid, and that He would give her the desire of her heart: to have another baby. Also that God would soften her husband’s heart toward God. Thank you for your article and your honesty. You have Blessed Me!

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