Are you in need of a fresh lease of life? If you’re feeling weary, it can be hard to persevere. It makes believing God for breakthrough feel like a burden.
It’s easy to think it’s normal to be tired. When you have challenges coming from every direction, it can wear you down.
But doing the will of God should not drain you. Jesus said, “My burden is light and my yoke is easy.” Fulfilling your purpose should energise not exhaust.
I would like to lead you through 3 steps to getting refreshed.
1. Offload
Matthew 11:28 says: “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” Jesus is inviting you to a place of rest and refreshing.
If you’re weary, make time for a one to one with the Lord. Tell your Wonderful Counselor how you feel. Share anything that is bothering you. Give Him every worry and concern. Then just linger for a while in His presence.
2. Reset
After you have shared your heart, I encouraged you to renew your mind. The enemy wants you to believe it’s all too much, he wants you to think that there is no way out.
But we serve a faithful God. He works even awful situations together for good. He is on hand to help. And you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
Take hold of negativity and replace it with God’s word. You will reap as long as you don’t lose heart. “Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.” Galatians 6:9
3. Refresh
The word for rest in Matthew 11:28 also means refreshing. After you have offloaded your heart and reset your thoughts, ask the Holy Spirit to fill you afresh. Draw near to Him in worship and He will draw near to you.
If you’re within reach of London or Miami, join us at REFRESH. Think of it like a spiritual spa for your soul. You will be amazed at how much the Lord will do. If you enjoyed this blog please hit the heart button!
Necesitas un nuevo contrato en una vida fresca? Si te sientes cansado, puede ser difícil para seguir perseverando. Así que seguir creyéndole a Dios por un rompimiento se siente como una pesadilla.
Es muy fácil pensar que estar cansado es normal. Cuándo tienes diferentes retos que vienen hacia ti en diferentes direcciones, te puede cargar.
El hacer la voluntad de Dios no debería de drenarte. Jesús dijo, “mi carga es liviana y mi yugo es fácil.“ El llenar el propósito debería de energizarnos no cansarnos.
Me gustaría guiarte a tres pasos para que te puedas refrescar.
1. Descarga
Mateo 11:28 dice “Luego dijo Jesús: «Vengan a mí todos los que están cansados y llevan cargas pesadas, y yo les daré descanso.”
Si estás cargado, saca tiempo para uno a uno con el Señor. Dile como te sientes. Entrégale toda preocupación y después sólo permanece en su presencia.
2. Resetea
Después de compartir tu corazón, te animo a renovar tu mente. El enemigo quiere que pienses que todo es demasiado. El quiere que pienses que no hay salida.
Pero servimos a un Dios fiel. El arregla situaciones terribles para nuestro bien. El está trabajando a nuestro favor. Y podemos hacer todo en Cristo que nos fortalece.
Toma control de la negatividad y reemplázalo por la palabra de Dios. “Así que no nos cansemos de hacer el bien. A su debido tiempo, cosecharemos numerosas bendiciones si no nos damos por vencidos.”
3. Refréscate
La palabra descanso de mateo 11:28 también significa refrescar. Después de descargar tu corazón y resetear tu mente, pídele al Espíritu Santo que te llene. Acércate a el en adoración el te acercará más a El.
Si estás cerca de Londres o Miami se parte de REFRESH. Piensa que es un spa espiritual para el alma. Te sorprenderá lo que el Señor puede hacer en ti.
Wonderful Jo I saw the picture of Jesus walking with me like the yoke between two horses but Jesus was beside me saying you don’t have to do this alone you can ask me to help you all day long can believe that I with you I will strengthen you I will annount you with what you need
I’m still having to practice this daily
His joy is. My strength learning how to stay in that rest thank you Jesus
Words Abide in me I read a description of an orchardfield it was the orchardfield of the fruit the holy spirit peace love joy self control patience love and added to that as I saw I lost my peace I had steped out of that orchard field now I can imagine when I notice I’m doing that again I can turn to holy spirit and thank him saying thank you holy spirit I’m receving your fruit of peace love joy self control I can use my imagination of me literally plucking the fruit of the tree with love and gratitude of the holy spirt I suddenly realised all that Jesus died to give us is just sitting there for us to receive I was trying to get rid of things I didnt like of myself instead of receving putting my arm up in a picture saying holy spirit thank you I’m receving that fruit of …….. As we recieved his grace mercy at salvatoln is still on offer to us every day blessed be the name of the lord thank you thank you lord
So simple my mind had made it comlicated
The other thing I was shown was when I felt my foot was slipping it was just a cry away to the lord Jesus my foot is slipping thank you Jesus you Said your angels encamp around us they will not let my foot slip they will raise us up so we do not strike our foot against the stone ohhhhh blessed be. The name of Jesus
Thank you too because I released my burdens but didn’t replace them with his promises with much gratitude
I had spent so many years doubting my self all the time but now it’s time for change dear savouir to stop doubting limiting you to help me daily lord to call on you for all that
I need to be more like you Jesus you died to set us free and every time I was feeling fearful anxious holy spirt kept reminding me scripture who has cut in or who have I allowed to cut in I’m no longer a slave to fear the lord God almighty is my god I will not stay afraid I will not stay anxious I will not stay dismayed because you have commanded me lord to not be afraid and although Iay experience those feelings watching your blog was great I can now say lord I’m feeling this that but you have Saud I don’t have to stay there