Shame can be subtle but it is rife. I see its dirty footprint in unexpected areas of life. Sometimes, it is most powerful when it goes unnoticed. Once exposed, it can be expelled. Shame is not satisfied with making us feel small. It seeks to stifle our lives.
As I sought the lord about a year ago about how to get the message God has given me out to the masses, I sensed Him ask me, “What do you have in your hand?” I paused for a moment in prayer.
So often we want the big breakthrough but sometimes God is asking us to start small. The Holy Spirit was prompting me to do regular Facebook live messages. I set a start date and began my weekly ‘broadcast’.
I was believing momentum would build fast so that we could bring healing to the nations. The first few weeks reached good numbers then average viewing levelled off. Of course, I was grateful for the privilege of ministering to the few who tuned in.
However, I started to feel embarrassed about the low numbers I was reaching. I was believing for thousands but usually reaching hundreds. I knew I had heard God and so continued.
At launch, I made sure I announced these appearances. Soon, I preferred not to draw any unnecessary attention to myself. I was faithful but I felt embarrassed about small beginnings.
I remember the moment I realised that shame was stifling the ministry. Ephesians 5:13 (NASB) says, “But all things become visible when they are exposed by the light…” The Lord showed me how shame had crept in.
It was shame that made me try to hide (even while I was being faithful). It was shame that prevented me from pushing in prayer.
I immediately addressed the mocking whispers: “I might not be where I want to be, but I’m not where I used to be either. Every precious person who is impacted by these broadcasts is a great reason to keep going.”
I shoved shame out of my life and went back to promoting my weekly messages. Shame had subdued my actions without my knowledge. That’s how this foul foe operates.
Maybe you are ashamed of your job, or your job title. Perhaps you are embarrassed about your home or the neighbourhood in which you live. You could be uncomfortable about your education, or lack or qualifications.
You may feel that you don’t measure up to others’ expectations. There are a multitude of reasons why you and I can feel like a fool. However, we should never listen to the devil’s debilitating lies.
Take a moment now to address the lies in your life. Tell the enemy that you don’t mind what he thinks because you will only listen to God’s views.
If there are deep rooted doubts in your heart about your value, God wants to do a fresh work on the inside. My Whole Heart is already helping many and it’s coming out in audio book on 26 January.
And if you can, come along to one of our events near you. We are in London 26 January and in Miami on 2 February.
And how subtle it is shame disguising itself as humility l have been blessed by this
Onwards and upwards by His grace thanks for sharing
I know a man who used to preach through his window religiously honestly he looked like he mentally unwell but today he runs a successful ministry
I am taking a lot from this message firstly not to despise small beginnings secondly that Jesus definitely took our shame but sometimes we forget
Grateful for your ministry and praying for growth abundance and stability in Jesus name xx
So glad you got a lot out of this. Lots of love