God made each one of us for a unique purpose. He carefully designed you to fulfil your specific destiny. Just as a steak knife has a sharp serrated edge making it perfect for slicing through meat, so you were fashioned to fulfil your mission.
Sometimes people ask me how they can discover their calling. Your purpose is hidden in your loves and hates, in your passions and frustrations.
Discover your purpose
Someone with a call to tackle people trafficking will feel unbearably upset whenever they witness injustice. A man or woman called to business may dream about buying buildings for churches.
What makes you angry? What fills you with excitement? What is your greatest frustration and your passion?
The more we give ourselves to God, the clearer our unique calling will become. Then when we start to do what we were destined to do, we will experience fulfilment beyond measure.
Stay in your lane
It is interesting to me that King David messed up badly twice. On one occasion, he committed adultery and murder. Another time, he took his eyes off God and started measuring his country’s might by the size of his armies.
Both these errors deeply grieved God and both led to catastrophic consequences. Although these mistakes were drastically different in nature, they had one thing in common. David committed these sins in the same season:
“It happened in the spring of the year, at the time when kings go out to battle, that… David remained at Jerusalem. 2 Samuel 11:1 / 1 Chronicles 20
Safest place
On both occasions, King David should have been at war but he was resting. It would have been safer for David to be in the heat of the battle than at home relaxing. Why? God’s purposes are always the safest place for you and me to be.
King David was a warrior. His led armies into battles and brought about great victories. When David did what he was destined to do, all was well. When he opted out of God’s plans, he messed up.
Look at David’s son, King Solomon. God ordained Solomon to be a master builder. He built the Temple, he built his palace, he built cities and boats. But when Solomon stopped building God’s kingdom, he ended up backsliding.
Staying versus straying
It’s not just that staying in our purpose gives us the greatest sense of fulfilment. Straying from our mission leaves us vulnerable to attack.
I have never known fulfilment like the joy of bringing healing to the hearts of God’s precious people. I ache when I see people in pain. I detest it when hurting people deny their need for a Healer. The joy I feel when people get healed is hard to describe. I am in my lane.
Press in prayer
I want to encourage you to keep pressing in prayer and listening to your heart. As you start to see your purpose unfold, it will bring you the greatest sense of fulfilment.
If you already know what you were put on planet earth to do, then, in the words of Nike, just do it! And whatever you do, do it with all of your heart, as unto the Lord and not unto man, knowing that you will receive your reward. (Colossians 3:23)
Because our hearts determine the course of our lives (Proverbs 4:23), when we are hurting it is hard to discover our calling. On the other hand, the more we are healed, the clearer our purpose becomes. Join us on a journey to healing and freedom.
I listen to you on Premier radio from time to time in my car . I very much believe in your preaching. I just lost my job and very low emotionally and feel lonely not sure what to do next.
I need prayer and words of encouragement.
Please call me on 07958953560
I am so sorry to hear about your situation. We are praying for strength, comfort, provision and wisdom. I suggest you contact your church minister for personal support. With every blessing.