Uncategorised BETRAYED | TRAICIONADA Trust is the glue that holds relationships together. It builds a sense of safety and security. When I trust someone,…Jo Naughton30th October 2020
Uncategorised STOPPED BY FEAR | ATRAPADA EN TEMOR My heart has believed a lie for years. I shouldn’t be surprised because Jeremiah 17:9 says, “The heart is deceitful.”…Jo Naughton23rd October 2020
Uncategorised I DON’T WANT TO BE ME | NO QUIERO SER YO With my hand on my heart and my eyes tightly shut, I prayed a prayer that would one day become…Jo Naughton16th October 2020
Uncategorised WHY DO I CONSTANTLY COMPETE? | PORQUE COMPITO CONSTANTEMENTE? For years, I constantly competed for attention and recognition. Wherever I was and whatever I was doing, I competed with…Jo Naughton9th October 2020