Uncategorised HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE HIDDEN HURTS? The law of gravity says that what goes up will come down. The law of the human heart says that…Jo Naughton11th October 2019
Uncategorised I WAS HUMILIATED My first trip to Africa was awful. I had been invited to join dignitaries, influential business people and key pastors…Jo Naughton20th September 2019
Uncategorised WHY IS LIFE SO TOUGH? This year has not been easy. Between March & August, it felt like I was fighting one battle after another.…Jo Naughton14th September 2019
Uncategorised WHY? You probably know the story of Lazarus in John 11. I don't think this account is only about a man…Jo Naughton29th June 2019
Uncategorised THE KILLER Strife kills peace. It’s that tension that rises inside and causes us to quarrel and bicker. We feel irritated, frustrated…Jo Naughton24th May 2019
Uncategorised THE LET DOWN Perhaps you were passed over for a promotion. Maybe you have been believing for healing but you’re still sick. It…Jo Naughton8th March 2019
Jo Naughton WHERE’S YOUR HEART TAKING YOU? Many of us treat our cars better than we care for our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular checks…Jo Naughton5th October 2018
Uncategorised Scared After God delivered me from fear, I realised that I was still afraid of one thing: horses. I like to…Jo Naughton10th February 2018