Uncategorised HOW TO BE FREE FROM THE FEAR OF HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF After our two year old daughter died, some mornings when I woke up I would forget momentarily about our loss.…Jo Naughton10th January 2020
Uncategorised TOO MUCH TO DO Weariness doesn’t come from having too much to do. Is 40:31 says that when we are full of the Spirit,…Jo Naughton13th December 2019
Uncategorised BREAKING THE POWER OF PAINFUL MEMORIES Do you have any painful memories? Perhaps of a trauma in recent times or maybe there are scenes from your…Jo Naughton8th November 2019
Uncategorised DO YOU FEEL FAVORED? A couple of weeks ago, my husband mentioned the importance of us having faith in the favor of God. As…Jo Naughton3rd November 2019
Uncategorised I FELT LIKE A FRAUD After years of prayer, one of my books was picked up by a US publishing house. The company's chief executive…Jo Naughton25th October 2019
Uncategorised DEFEATING DOUBT & POSSESSING YOUR PROMISE We are called to walk by faith and the Bible says that faith is a fight. That means we will…Jo Naughton18th October 2019
Uncategorised FIVE REASONS WE ALL NEED TO BE HEALED Most of us treat our cars better than our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular services but how often…Jo Naughton4th October 2019
Uncategorised WHY IS LIFE SO TOUGH? This year has not been easy. Between March & August, it felt like I was fighting one battle after another.…Jo Naughton14th September 2019
Uncategorised ARE YOU LISTENING TO ANY LIES? Jesus said in Mark 4:24, “Be careful what you are hearing...” The voices that we listen to affect our lives…Jo Naughton30th August 2019
Uncategorised I FAILED I have failed more times than I would like to remember. I have lost jobs, ruined relationships & pastored badly.…Jo Naughton16th August 2019