Uncategorised MY ROCK BOTTOM | TOCAR FONDO I hit rock bottom in my early 20s. Walking through the streets of London late one night after too many…Jo Naughton14th August 2020
Uncategorised WHY AM I LIKE THIS? | PORQUE SOY ASÍ? Elisha’s first miracle after parting the Jordan helped an entire city. The rulers of a region came to him and…Jo Naughton7th August 2020
Uncategorised MY PROBLEM WITH PRIDE | MI PROBLEMA CON EL ORGULLO I became a Christian as a teenager and had a strong sense that God's hand was upon me. I read…Jo Naughton31st July 2020
Uncategorised UNMASKING ONE OF SATAN’S PLANS | DESENMASCARANDO UNO DE LOS PLANES DE SATANAS Right at the start, God looked at His children and reached a conclusion: “It is not good that man should…Jo Naughton24th July 2020
Uncategorised BRANDED BY TRAGEDY | MARCADO POR CICATRICES Our first child suddenly died just before she was two. After a weekend fighting a cold, Naomi seemed to get…Jo Naughton17th July 2020
Uncategorised COMING OUT OF THE STORM Storms hit us all. Although the forecasters can warn us about hurricanes and tornadoes, we don’t always get any sign…Jo Naughton15th November 2019
Uncategorised HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE HIDDEN HURTS? The law of gravity says that what goes up will come down. The law of the human heart says that…Jo Naughton11th October 2019
Uncategorised FIVE REASONS WE ALL NEED TO BE HEALED Most of us treat our cars better than our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular services but how often…Jo Naughton4th October 2019
Uncategorised THE TROUBLE WITH RELATIONSHIPS Relationships hurt. Especially relationships with the people we love the most. Things are said that leave us questioning ourselves. Misunderstandings…Jo Naughton23rd August 2019
Uncategorised OVERWHELMED Have you ever felt like everything is just too much? You may have been working tirelessly towards your goals will…Jo Naughton7th June 2019