Uncategorised WHAT’S YOUR HEART WHISPERING? When I've had a hard day, there's nothing like coming home into my husband's arms. Even though nothing around me…Jo Naughton17th May 2019
Uncategorised THE TRUST TEST The enemy is always fighting your faith. He does everything he can to make you afraid. The devil wants you…Jo Naughton10th May 2019
Uncategorised I’M REALLY NOT UP TO THIS It's easy to think of King Saul in the Old Testament as a villain. After all, he turned away from…Jo Naughton3rd May 2019
Uncategorised WHEN? So many times I have asked God the same question: "When?" ... When is my breakthrough going to happen? When…Jo Naughton26th April 2019
Uncategorised WHY IS LIFE SO TOUGH? All too often we think God has abandoned us. We wonder why He has left us in the wilderness, why…Jo Naughton19th April 2019
Uncategorised DEFEATING DOUBT & UNBELIEF You need great faith to possess your promises & fulfil your purpose. So doubt and unbelief are two of our…Jo Naughton22nd March 2019
Uncategorised THE LET DOWN Perhaps you were passed over for a promotion. Maybe you have been believing for healing but you’re still sick. It…Jo Naughton8th March 2019
Uncategorised INSECURITY IN LEADERS Insecurity drives people. In fact, after destiny, it can be one of the greatest motivations. Maybe you were put down…Jo Naughton1st March 2019
Uncategorised I THOUGHT I WAS SORTED While I was growing up, I experienced my fair share of hurt but I never considered myself to be wounded.…Jo Naughton22nd February 2019
Uncategorised I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHY Five years after my husband and I got married, we were pastoring a small but growing church in London. We…Jo Naughton8th February 2019