Uncategorised The Day I Faced The Truth While I was growing up, I experienced my fair share of hurt but I never considered myself to be wounded.…Jo Naughton16th June 2018
Uncategorised Discouraged. The devil wants to discourage you. He will whisper doubts in your ears to make you give up. There are…Jo Naughton9th June 2018
Uncategorised Cracks Relationships cause more dents in our self-worth than just about anything else. Cutting comments from friends, friction with family or…Jo Naughton2nd June 2018
Jo Naughton Stubborn After restoring the temple to its former glory, leading the people of Israel back to the Lord, after loving and…Jo Naughton26th May 2018
Uncategorised That’s Not Fair! What’s the point of serving if I never get promoted? Why has he got his breakthrough when he hardly comes…Jo Naughton5th May 2018
Uncategorised Broken Trust When trust is broken, it can be devastating. It leaves us reeling with disappointment and feeling disillusioned. It can rock…Jo Naughton21st April 2018
Uncategorised Heavy Hearted Heaviness of heart is horrible. It may be brought on by bad news or unwanted bills. Sometimes it comes as…Jo Naughton10th March 2018
Uncategorised Where Is Your Heart Taking You? Many of us treat our cars better than we care for our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular checks…Jo Naughton3rd March 2018