Jo Naughton THE OPPORTUNITY WAITING TO HAPPEN Many years ago, I had the privilege of meeting an incredible couple that God used to lead a powerful revival…Jo Naughton1st February 2020
Uncategorised HOW TO MAKE FEAR YOUR SERVANT What makes your stomach churn? Is it the whirring lights and sirens as an ambulance rushes past? Is it the…Jo Naughton17th January 2020
Uncategorised HOW TO BE FREE FROM THE FEAR OF HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF After our two year old daughter died, some mornings when I woke up I would forget momentarily about our loss.…Jo Naughton10th January 2020
Uncategorised 3 WAYS TO SAVE CHRISTMAS While many are looking forward to a perfect family Christmas, maybe you are anticipating walking on eggshells or navigating your…Jo Naughton20th December 2019
Uncategorised WHY AM I SO STUPID? Have you ever watched a game with an avid fan? They probably talked to the television throughout the match. Maybe…Jo Naughton22nd November 2019
Uncategorised COMING OUT OF THE STORM Storms hit us all. Although the forecasters can warn us about hurricanes and tornadoes, we don’t always get any sign…Jo Naughton15th November 2019
Uncategorised BREAKING THE POWER OF PAINFUL MEMORIES Do you have any painful memories? Perhaps of a trauma in recent times or maybe there are scenes from your…Jo Naughton8th November 2019
Uncategorised DO YOU FEEL FAVORED? A couple of weeks ago, my husband mentioned the importance of us having faith in the favor of God. As…Jo Naughton3rd November 2019
Uncategorised I FELT LIKE A FRAUD After years of prayer, one of my books was picked up by a US publishing house. The company's chief executive…Jo Naughton25th October 2019
Uncategorised DEFEATING DOUBT & POSSESSING YOUR PROMISE We are called to walk by faith and the Bible says that faith is a fight. That means we will…Jo Naughton18th October 2019