Uncategorised NO-ONE UNDERSTANDS | NADIE ENTIENDE There may be times when you feel like no one understands your pain or what you have been through. That…Jo Naughton6th August 2021
Uncategorised 6 SIGNS YOU’VE BEEN AFFECTED BY TRAUMA | 6 SEÑALES QUE MUESTRAN QUE HA SIDO MARCADO POR EL TRAUMA For the best part of 30 years, I didn’t like making calls. I would text instead whenever possible. I thought…Jo Naughton30th July 2021
Uncategorised THE TRUTH ABOUT TRAUMA | LA VERDAD ACERCA DEL TRAUMA Motoring back from a mall on the outskirts of Atlanta, my friends and I laughed as we chatted. We were…Jo Naughton23rd July 2021