Uncategorised WHAT’S YOUR BLIND SPOT? | CUAL ES TU PUNTO CIEGO? Family traditions can be great as long as they don't cut across God's purposes. Family was important to one of…Jo Naughton21st August 2020
Uncategorised MY ROCK BOTTOM | TOCAR FONDO I hit rock bottom in my early 20s. Walking through the streets of London late one night after too many…Jo Naughton14th August 2020
Uncategorised WHY AM I LIKE THIS? | PORQUE SOY ASÍ? Elisha’s first miracle after parting the Jordan helped an entire city. The rulers of a region came to him and…Jo Naughton7th August 2020
Uncategorised MY PROBLEM WITH PRIDE | MI PROBLEMA CON EL ORGULLO I became a Christian as a teenager and had a strong sense that God's hand was upon me. I read…Jo Naughton31st July 2020