Uncategorised MY ROCK BOTTOM | TOCAR FONDO I hit rock bottom in my early 20s. Walking through the streets of London late one night after too many…Jo Naughton14th August 2020
Uncategorised WHY AM I LIKE THIS? | PORQUE SOY ASÍ? Elisha’s first miracle after parting the Jordan helped an entire city. The rulers of a region came to him and…Jo Naughton7th August 2020
Uncategorised MY PROBLEM WITH PRIDE | MI PROBLEMA CON EL ORGULLO I became a Christian as a teenager and had a strong sense that God's hand was upon me. I read…Jo Naughton31st July 2020
Uncategorised UNMASKING ONE OF SATAN’S PLANS | DESENMASCARANDO UNO DE LOS PLANES DE SATANAS Right at the start, God looked at His children and reached a conclusion: “It is not good that man should…Jo Naughton24th July 2020
Uncategorised BRANDED BY TRAGEDY | MARCADO POR CICATRICES Our first child suddenly died just before she was two. After a weekend fighting a cold, Naomi seemed to get…Jo Naughton17th July 2020
Uncategorised YOUR INNER CRITIC | TU COMENTARISTA INTERNO Have you watched a game with an avid fan? They talk to the television throughout the match. Maybe they yell…Jo Naughton10th July 2020
Uncategorised MEET YOUR PRETEND FRIEND | CONOCE A TU AMIGO FINGIDO You have an inner enemy. It wants to prolong your pain and trap you in a dark place. It creates…Jo Naughton3rd July 2020
Uncategorised WHAT TO DO WHEN YOU’RE DOWN | QUE HACES CUANDO TE SIENTES TRISTE? The devil wants to discourage you. He will whisper doubts in your ears to make you give up. There are…Jo Naughton26th June 2020
Uncategorised 2 WAYS REJECTION CAN WRECK YOUR DESTINY | DOS FORMAS EN QUE EL RECHAZO PUEDE DESTRUIR TU DESTINO | We all get rejected. Maybe you’re living in a cold marriage. Perhaps you’ve been put down by your peers. You…Jo Naughton19th June 2020