Uncategorised HOW TO BE FREE FROM THE FEAR OF HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF After our two year old daughter died, some mornings when I woke up I would forget momentarily about our loss.…Jo Naughton10th January 2020
Uncategorised WHY AM I SO STUPID? Have you ever watched a game with an avid fan? They probably talked to the television throughout the match. Maybe…Jo Naughton22nd November 2019
Uncategorised COMING OUT OF THE STORM Storms hit us all. Although the forecasters can warn us about hurricanes and tornadoes, we don’t always get any sign…Jo Naughton15th November 2019
Uncategorised HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU HAVE HIDDEN HURTS? The law of gravity says that what goes up will come down. The law of the human heart says that…Jo Naughton11th October 2019
Uncategorised FIVE REASONS WE ALL NEED TO BE HEALED Most of us treat our cars better than our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular services but how often…Jo Naughton4th October 2019
Uncategorised WHY IS LIFE SO TOUGH? This year has not been easy. Between March & August, it felt like I was fighting one battle after another.…Jo Naughton14th September 2019
Uncategorised ARE YOU LISTENING TO ANY LIES? Jesus said in Mark 4:24, “Be careful what you are hearing...” The voices that we listen to affect our lives…Jo Naughton30th August 2019
Uncategorised I FAILED I have failed more times than I would like to remember. I have lost jobs, ruined relationships & pastored badly.…Jo Naughton16th August 2019
Uncategorised THE RELATIONSHIP BREAKER God has put key people in your life to enable you to fulfill your purpose. They may be door openers.…Jo Naughton21st June 2019
Uncategorised HE NEVER TOLD ME HE LOVED ME As my husband was drawing his session at Fixing the Foundations UK to a close last year, I began to…Jo Naughton31st May 2019