Uncategorised HOW TO BE FREE FROM THE FEAR OF HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF After our two year old daughter died, some mornings when I woke up I would forget momentarily about our loss.…Jo Naughton10th January 2020
Uncategorised HOW TO GET WORRY OUT OF YOUR LIFE Worry takes the joy out of life. It steals our focus and robs us of our faith. It can keep…Jo Naughton6th December 2019
Uncategorised FIVE REASONS WE ALL NEED TO BE HEALED Most of us treat our cars better than our hearts. We take our vehicles for regular services but how often…Jo Naughton4th October 2019
Uncategorised I FAILED I have failed more times than I would like to remember. I have lost jobs, ruined relationships & pastored badly.…Jo Naughton16th August 2019
Uncategorised I LEARNED THE HARD WAY The Bible promises, "If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the fat of the land.” (Isaiah 1:19) I…Jo Naughton19th July 2019
Uncategorised HE NEVER TOLD ME HE LOVED ME As my husband was drawing his session at Fixing the Foundations UK to a close last year, I began to…Jo Naughton31st May 2019
Uncategorised I’M REALLY NOT UP TO THIS It's easy to think of King Saul in the Old Testament as a villain. After all, he turned away from…Jo Naughton3rd May 2019
Uncategorised WHEN? So many times I have asked God the same question: "When?" ... When is my breakthrough going to happen? When…Jo Naughton26th April 2019
Uncategorised KNOTS OF THE HEART The law of gravity says that what goes up must come down. The law of the human heart says that…Jo Naughton23rd November 2018
Uncategorised WHAT HAS SUNK TO THE BOTTOM OF YOUR SOUL? The human heart is vast. Imagine an enormous storage vault filled with filing cabinets. Picture rows of drawers, all packed…Jo Naughton3rd November 2018