Healing Inevitable Marriage Hurts
26 August – 23 September
Tuesdays 7pm (UK) or 2pm (East USA) join live or watch later
When two people love each other, they will hurt each other. Harsh words, blame, unintentional rejection, judgement and outbursts mark almost every marriage. We all make mistakes, and the one who usually bears the brunt is your spouse.
If you want a happy marriage, you need to heal from the hurts of marriage. Join this life changing 5 week zoom course and allow God to breathe fresh life into your relationship. You can join as a couple or you join alone.
Week One: The Power Of Words
Criticism, judgement, blame and accusation are common in most relationships. But each of the above hurts. In this session, we will bring healing to the wounds of rash words, we will dismantle damage of judgement and blame, and begin a wonderful journey to restoration.
Week Two: Releasing Buried Pain
Rejection or betrayal by the one you love can be so unpleasant that you may turn away from the pain. As a result it sinks to the bottom of your soul. In this session, we will gently bring healing to hidden hurts so that you can enjoy a tenderness again.
Week Three: The Fear Of History Repeating Itself
Tell tale signs of old issues may cause insecurity or even shut down. In this session, we will break the fear of history repeating itself and close the door to cycles of strain or pain.
Week Four: Separation From Pain
This session will show you how to separate yourselves from unseen ties binding you to past hurts or mistakes. We will go on a journey to wonderful liberty. You will experience new joy.
Week Five: God’s Divine Design: Respect & Tenderness
As we bring this course to a close, you will gain practical tools that will enable you to heal as you go and love your spouse God’s way. We will discover keys to lasting joy in marriage, even while you are growing in God.
Register Now: £79 | $99
OR three monthly instalments of £29 / $36