I miss airplanes, I miss hugging, I miss friends in other nations, I even miss being in crowded rooms! For months, I longed to go back to the way things were. That is, until the Spirit of God arrested me…
While reading the word, a verse jumped out and slapped me in the face (not literally, of course, but the impact was forceful!) Speaking of the Israelites, Acts 7:39b says “In their hearts, they yearned for and turned back to Egypt.”
This verse reveals the desire of the people. They longed to go back to the way things were. And in their hearts, they did go back. Maybe they were fed up of the desert. Perhaps they were bored of the same food, day in day out. Their looked back with longing to the way things once were.
Desire is powerful. James 1:15 tells us that desire gives birth. In other words, it produces the perseverance and motivation necessary to make us go after the object of our desire. Desire – for what’s right or for what’s wrong – gives birth.
The Israelites longed for the past and got stuck in the wilderness. A journey that should have taken ten days lasted forty years. I’m not saying that desiring the past was the only reason they got stuck, but it certainly contributed.
Isaiah 43:18-19 says, “Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing… I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”
Scripture instructs us to stop looking back with longing and to quit thinking about the way things once were. If our gaze remains on the past, we may get stuck in our wilderness longer than necessary.
But that’s not all, the above verse says, “Behold I will do a new thing”. That’s not the old thing. The word behold means ‘see’ so the Lord wants us to fix our eyes on the new, not to long for what is behind. He wants us to see the future.
Notice where God says He will do the new. He promises to make a road in the wilderness and to create springs in the desert. If we are longing for the past, we might miss the road ahead that will lead us out and the springs that will bring new life.
Phil 3:13-14 says, ‘Forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead..” We can only press into God’s promises when we leave the past behind.
I still miss hugs and I still miss seeing the faces of God’s precious people while I minister, but I no longer desire to go back to the way things things are. One thing you must not do in the wildness: don’t long for what is gone.
If you enjoyed this, please hit the heart button at the top of this blog and if you want to leave this season ready for your future, pre-order Ready to Heal (out next Saturday 🥳) my new 6 part video course.
Yo extraño los aviones, extraño los abrazos, extraño mis amigos en las naciones, inclusive extraño los cuartos llenos de gente. Por meses deseaba volver a cómo las cosas eran. Eso fue, hasta que el espíritu de Dios me arrestó…
Mientras leía la palabra, un verso saltó de las escritura y me dio una bofetada (no de manera literal, claro, pero el impacto fue fuerte) habla de los israelitas en hechos 7:39b “…lo que realmente deseaban era volver a Egipto.”
Este verso revela el deseo de la gente. Ellos deseaban volver a cómo las cosas eran. En sus corazones, ellos regresaron. Quizá se cansaron del decierto. Tal vez estaba aburridos de la misma comida, día tras día. Miraron a tras deseando regresar a cómo las cosas fueron una vez.
Los israelitas desearon el pasado y se atascaron en el decierto. Un viaje que debió tomas diez días demoró 40 años. No estoy diciendo que el quedarse en el pasado fue la única razón del retraso, pero esto contribuyó.
Isaias 43:18-19 dice “«Olviden las cosas de antaño; ya no vivan en el pasado. ¡Voy a hacer algo nuevo! Ya está sucediendo, ¿no se dan cuenta? Estoy abriendo un camino en el desierto, y ríos en lugares desolados.”
Las escrituras nos instruyen a no mirar hacia atrás deseando lo que un día fue. Si tu mirada se mantiene en el pasado , probablemente pasaremos más tiempo en nuestro decierto.
No solo eso, el verso anterior dice, “Voy a hacer algo nuevo!” Eso no es lo viejo. Cuando nos dice “voy” nos insta a fijar la mirada en lo que viene. No en el pasado. Pero mirar al futuro.
Nota donde Dios va hacer lo nuevo. El prometió hacer un camino en el decierto y crear fuentes en el. Si estamos deseando el pasado, no vamos a ver los caminos adelante de nosotros que nos guían a las fuentes y a lo nuevo.
Filipenses 3:13-14 dice “Hermanos, no pienso que yo mismo lo haya logrado ya. Más bien, una cosa hago: olvidando lo que queda atrás y esforzándome por alcanzar lo que está delante, sigo avanzando hacia la meta para ganar el premio que Dios ofrece mediante su llamamiento celestial en Cristo Jesús.”
Todavía extraño los abrazos y ver los rostros de gente hermosa de Dios mientras ministro, pero ya no deseo volver a cómo eran las cosas. Una cosa que no puedes hacer en el decierto, es desear volver a tras.
Si disfrutaste este blog, presiona el corazón al principio. Si estás luchando en esta estación pre-ordena mi nuevo curso “READY TO HEAL” lo que trae restauración y refrescar.
♥️♥️♥️Tremendous word in it’s season!!! Thank you!!!♥️♥️♥️
So glad you enjoyed Abe!
Thank you Jo. The words ‘behold I am doing a new thing’ stuck with me. Praying old ways have gone and excited fir the new which God has in store.
Yes and amen! So glad it encouraged you Sheilagh
Thank you Pastor Jo for stirring our hearts to release the old and embrace the new. God bless you.
I’m so glad it was helpful Joanita
Thank you so much for this word1 it actually stirred me up to start looking at current circumstances in a new light. We cannot continue to do the same as we did before. Therefore, Holy Spirit have your way! Teach us, guide us, and lead us to what the Father wants for the NOW!
We love you and grateful for you and your ministry!
Praise God! Love you too!
Excellent revelation. I can’t wait to see abundant roads and springs in our desert.
Amen Stella!
Great reminder for the times we are living in
Thank You Lord
So glad it ministered to you
Thanks Mrs. Joe
This is right on time because my spiritual father is talking about exiting the wilderness..
Thank you
Your courses and books are a blessing
I’m so glad to hear that you are being blessed Vonda!