By 15th February 2020 Uncategorised

The devil works overtime to sow negative ideas in our minds to limit our progress. “You don’t deserve a promotion, you are not smart enough. You will never break that habit, you don’t have the willpower. You cannot stand on the platform – you’re not spiritual enough. It won’t work. You aren’t good enough…” 

The problem is that Proverbs 23:7 says that what we meditate on in our hearts shapes our lives: “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”

If I think that I always mess up, then I am making it far harder for myself to succeed. If I am constantly replaying my weaknesses in my mind, then I am making it difficult for myself to overcome them. 


For years, I struggled to establish a daily devotion. I thought I would never become a praying woman. I felt like a fraud and a failure. However, when I stopped doubting myself and instead believed that God had given me the self-discipline I needed, things started to turn around.

If you have struggled with purity, you will probably need to deal with feelings that you will never win the battle. Kick out negativity from your heart. Remember that God is bigger than the things that are bigger than you and be determined. You can conquer. Many have gone before you and are cheering you on.


Negative mindsets actually need correction. We need to see our own ‘can’t do’ attitudes as an enemy of God’s purposes and take them captive. “…Bringing every thought into captivity…” 2 Corinthians 10:6

Make a decision not to tolerate inner conversations about your inadequacies or failures. When you hear yourself listening to old arguments, stop, kick the thought out and replace it with God’s word. Let your thoughts work for you and not against you. Romans 12:2b says, “Let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think.”


If you want God to transform your life, it’s time to change your mind.  The devil tries to tell us that it is just our personality.  That is simply not true.  We have control over our thoughts. 

When I rededicated my life to the Lord, I had a whole host of negative thoughts that used to run riot in my imagination.  I dwelt on past mistakes, I thought I was unreliable and could not imagine myself ever succeeding. 


I took Philippians 4:8 to heart: “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.” 

I replaced wrong thoughts with lovely thoughts. Every time I found myself in negativity, I deliberately moved into positivity. At first, my actions felt forced. Within a matter of weeks, I was a more positive, faith-filled person. 

Some can’t do thinking is rooted in unhealed hurts. If you realise that negativity is a way of life, I encourage you to ask God to start a new work within you. If you would like to be free from all inner issues so that you can fulfil your purpose get hold of our books and come along to our events. It will take you on an incredible journey to security and peace.


  • blog says:

    Awesome article.

  • Paul Jobson says:

    I have realised that when I am analytical that this trait can easily be used by our advasary to become negative instead of scripually objective. I know that when I take on the wrong thoughts that my mind no longer works properly and the peace and joy goes. I am asking God to restore the spirit of my mind!

  • PriscillaP says:

    Run our thoughts through the filter of Philippians 4:8; great article!

  • Valeria rohrscheib says:

    Please send me in Spanish this blogs

  • Vicki Wright says:

    Hello Jo, I’ve been following your blogs before & after attending Healed for life, which I found very overwhelming so much so I wanted to leave! Fortunately another attendee spoke with me & asked me to remember why I was there & convinced me to stay, which I did with difficulty. Since then I’ve been praying hard & asking God for answers. However, I’m not able to connect with Him & hear his answers. I’m feeling desperate. Please help me….

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