Romans 8:28 is one of Scripture’s most inspiring promises: “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.”
God has a plan for bringing good out of every difficult season and this one is no different. To help us understand one of the ways He will do this, let’s look at the story of Abraham’s son, Isaac.
Gen 26:1 says that there was a famine in the land. A famine is a time of an extreme food shortage across a significant geographical area. Families will have been living in fear not knowing where there next meal was coming from.
It was during this terrible trial that Isaac did something remarkable. Gen 26:12 says, “Then Isaac sowed in that land & reaped in the same year a hundredfold & the LORD blessed him.”
During a famine, Isaac started a business that would help meet the need of the nation. God blessed his venture which will have helped many. As a result, lives will have been saved and Isaac prospered.
Is 60:2 says, “For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth & deep darkness the people but the Lord will arise over you & His glory will be seen upon you.”
This is a time of darkness for many, but like Isaac, we can arise and ask the Lord to use us to bring light to our neighborhoods and nations.
Proverbs 29:2 says, “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice.” When the Lord promotes Christians, the world gets righteous, God fearing leaders and anointed entrepreneurs.
Will you ask God to use you to bring solutions to the problems the world is facing? Will you seek His face for ideas that will bring light to the darkness?
He is not looking for ability, He is looking for availability. You have what it takes! Here are three reason why:
- YOU WERE MADE TO LEAD – The first mandate of mankind is dominion (see Gen 1:26). Put simply, you were made to take authority and influence.
- YOU ARE CREATIVE – We were formed in the image of God and the first of His attributes that we see is creativity! We aren’t all painters or singers but we can all be imaginative problem solvers.
- YOU ARE ANOINTED – 1 John 2:20 says, “But you have an anointing from the Holy One & you know all things.” When you show up to work, the anointing arrives!
I believe that the Lord wants you and I to seek His face for solutions to today’s problems and then arise. Is 60:3 says, “Gentiles shall come to your light & kings to the brightness of your rising.” Please let me know if this spoke to you.
I am excited! My first online course will be launched end May! ‘Dreamstealers: how to stop your destiny being stolen’ deals with 7 heart diseases that try to hold you back. I have filmed eight sessions & I believe they will minister to your heart & life.
Romanos 8:28 es una de las promesas más memorables de la escritura “Y sabemos que a los que aman a Dios, todas las cosas les ayudan a bien, esto es, a los que conforme a su propósito son llamados.”
Dios tiene un plan para sacar lo bueno de esta estación de crisis. Para ayudarnos a entender como Dios puede hacer esto. Miremos a la historia de Isaac el hijo de Abraham.
Genesis 26:1 dice que hubo una hambruna en la tierra. Hambre es escasez extrema de comida en un área geográfica extensa. Familias viviendo en temor porque no sabían de donde venía su próxima comida.
Fue en ese tiempo que Isaac hizo algo notable. Genesis 26:12 dice “Y sembró Isaac en aquella tierra, y cosechó aquel año ciento por uno; y le bendijo Jehová.”
Durante la hambruna Isaac empezó un negocio que proveería en la necesidad de una nación. Dios bendijo el atrevimiento que bendeciría a tantos. Como resultado, Muchas vidas fueron salvadas e Isaac prospero.
Isaias 60:2 dice “Porque he aquí que tinieblas cubrirán la tierra, y oscuridad las naciones; mas sobre ti amanecerá Jehová, y sobre ti será vista su gloria.”
Estos son tiempos de oscuridad para muchos, pero como Isaac, le podemos pedir al Señor que nos use para traer luz a nuestros vesindarios y nación.
Proverbios 29:2 dice “Cuando los justos dominan, el pueblo se alegra…” cuando el Señor promueve a los cristianos, el mundo se hace justo, por aquellos líderes y negociantes que temen al Señor.
Le quiere pedir a Dios que le de soluciones para los problemas del mundo en este tiempo? Quiere buscar su rostro para que le de ideas que traigan luz en medio de tinieblas?
El no busca habilidad. El busca disponibilidad. Usted tiene lo que se necesita. Y quiero darle tres razones:
1. LE CREARON PARA SER LÍDER – el primer comando al hombre es domina (ver Gen 1:26) simplemente le crearon para liderar e influenciar.
2. USTED TIENE CREATIVIDAD- usted fue creado a la imagen de Dios y el primer atributo que conocemos de El es la creatividad. No todos somos cantantes o pintores, pero si tenemos imaginación y podemos resolver problemas.
3. USTED ESTA UNGIDO – 1 juan 2:20 dice “Pero vosotros tenéis la unción del Santo, y conocéis todas las cosas.” Cuando usted aparece en el trabajo la unción le acompaña.
Creo que Dios quiere que usted y yo busquemos su rostro y le pidamos ideas para solucionar los problemas de hoy y que nos levantemos. Isaias 60:3 dice “Y andarán las naciones a tu luz, y los reyes al resplandor de tu nacimiento.” Por favor déjeme saber si esto le bendijo.
Me alegra comunicarles que mi primer curso en línea sale al final del mes de mayo. “Ladrones de sueños: como detener lo que puede robar su destino” trata con 7 enfermedades del corazón que le pueden retener. Creo que va a ministrar su corazón y vida.
Your words always have a way of clearing the muddy waters and getting me back to the clear, life sustaining waters! Thank you so.
I’m so happy to hear this. Praise God
Thank you Jo for the reminder, Isaac sowed in famine…
Yes he did : amazing example
Hi Jo
I believe also the Lord wants his children to be the light in the mid of darkness so that we can bring those in the dark into the marvelous light. Thank you for those awesome reminders with scriptures to back up who we are and what we can do .
Very very well put Glenda
This one is for ME sorry every l needed this one
This one is for ME sorry every one l needed this one
Thanks so much PJ
So glad it helped Odie!
Wow wow wow this was the word of the now! For me, a thank you so much .. God was speaking to me about opportunity as well and related to the book of Esther, she also had an opportunity to safe her people. Opportunity comes with hardship, fear and rejection. But at the end we most persevere to finish our purposes.
Blessings Jisandra (all the way from NJ)
Amen and amen!
Wow Mrs. Naughton, Hello! I found out about your ministry through Mrs Amanda Ferguson podcast. Me and a friend will be attending Free to Be Me in Fort Myers Florida this June, very excited to see what God has in store. Yes! this post was very encouraging. It aligns with what Father has been saying to me through this whole shift, Go! Step out and be who I’m called to be. What you wrote under-You Have What it Takes, was an eye opener. “He is not looking for ability, He is looking for availability.” Thank you for the post!
So glad you will be with us! God bless you abundantly!
Yes, thank you Pstr Jo: “All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purposes.” and we must make ourselves available.
Dreamstealers was the first if your books that I started my journey with. I hope it will touch many more people via your online course.
Amen! Praise God