I’ve been in ministry for 21 years and have always loved serving God. But something happened as I started to understand my mandate. I have known for a long time that I was called to preach and lead. However, when I began to discover my purpose, fresh breath was breathed into my life.
The overflow
Whatever God does in us, He delights to do through us. It a scriptural principle summed up in the words of Jesus in Matthew 10:8 “Freely you have received, freely give.”
Over a decade ago, God stopped me in my tracks. At the time, I saw myself as a successful Christian woman. That is until God confronted me with the truth and shined His light into the depths of my heart. I realised that unresolved trauma in my childhood had made me deeply insecure as an adult.
As God healed my heart, I discovered a peace and security that I did not know even existed. Over the months (and years), God changed me in virtually every area of my life. Of course, I’m still on the Potter’s wheel but the inner joy that flows out of this sweet contentment is incredible.
Now, my greatest delight is to see that same work of His Spirit in the lives of others. I long to see men, women and young people be free from every inner hindrance so that they can fulfil their purpose.
I want to encourage you to stay on your journey to genuine security and true freedom. It doesn’t matter how long it takes. It only matters that you get there in the end. When the rubble is out of the way, your mandate will unfold before you eyes. You will discover your destiny.
There is nothing like knowing the part we are designed to play. Here are five benefits released when we start to flow in our purpose:
When you understand your purpose, the desire to accomplish it will build on the inside. Nothing will satisfy like the joy of staying in your lane. Pursuing your purpose will energise you more than any caffeine boost earth could ever offer!
We all want to be disciplined and determined enough to get the job done. As you understand your unique gifts and talents, a tenacity will arise on the inside which will enable you to keep on keeping on, even when times are tough.
It was probably the desire to fulfil his dreams that helped Joseph stay strong in the face of fierce temptation. When our desires are bigger than our doubts, it’s easier to stay on the straight and narrow, to set our faces like flint for the joy set before us.
Just as a prince has great power within his principality so you have extraordinary authority within the boundaries of your mission. There is power that is released to enable you to fulfil your purpose.
Psalm 16:11 says: “In Your presence is fullness of joy and at your right hand are pleasures forevermore.” Fulfilling your purpose will release a joy that is greater than words can express. The pleasure of doing what you were designed to do is indescribable. And it’s yours for the taking.
If you want to be free to fulfil your purpose, allow God to dig deep in your heart. Our books and conferences have been specifically designed to help you fulfil every ounce of your God-given potential. Do you know your purpose?