Most of us girls (sorry guys) swoon at the idea of having a hopeless romantic for a husband! Well Solomon took the biscuit! He seemed to be smitten with every square inch of his wife’s beautiful body.
The Shulamite is the leading lady in the story of the Song of Songs. She was probably the luckiest woman alive at the time being married to the most successful gentleman around. Not only was Solomon an exceptional king, he was also deeply in love with his wife.
Yes, my husband sometimes tells me I look lovely, but he has never compared my teeth to sheep running down a mountain. That’s almost a ridiculous level of affection! The Shulamite had every reason to feel secure in the knowledge that her husband loved her. However, the reality was far from that.
In Song of Songs chapter 3, we read about a night when the Shulamite went to bed before her husband was back from work. After waiting for a while, she started to get worried and got up in the middle of the night to search the streets for Solomon.
As the king of Israel, we can safely assume that Solomon had a lot on his plate. However, at a time when women would not normally be seen alone outside, the Shulamite got out of bed in the night and searched the city for her husband.
This is the behaviour of someone struggling with insecurity. Then when she found him, she would not let him go. The Shulamite was clingy too. She had it all on the outside but she had deep issues on the inside.
Right from the start of this book, we discover the reason why the Shulamite had issues. In Song of Songs 1:6, she introduced herself like this: “Do not look upon me because I am dark because the sun has burnt me. My mother’s sons were angry with me. They made me keeper of their vineyards but my own vineyard I have not kept.”
As a young woman, she was forced by her brothers to work outside in soaring temperatures. Her skin was burnt and her soul was clearly scarred too. We don’t know why her brothers were full of anger but we do know that these childhood experiences marked the Shulamite’s heart, as well as her face.
We can have everything this life has to offer – love, family and success – but if our hearts have been wounded by hurtful experiences, it will spill into the rest of our lives. I encourage you to prioritize your heart. Allow the Lord to take you on a journey to restoration for the sake of your future. The Shulamite was healed in the arms of her king. You and I can experience that same transformation.
When you think back to your childhood, if hurtful memories come to mind, turn your pain into prayers. Tell the Lord what happened and ask Him to heal your heart. He is your wonderful Counsellor. As you are healed, insecurities will drop off.
Watch this space for an exciting announcement coming soon! If you enjoyed this, please hit the heart button at the top of this blog. Powerful testimonies of transformation are flooding in about my new course Ready to Heal. You can get yours here.
Todas las chicas soñaron con la idea de un esposo muy romántico. Bueno Salomón se gano el premio! Parece que el estaba enamorado con cada pulgada de la belleza de su mujer.
La sunamita es el personaje principal en cantares. Probablemente era la mujer más afortunada de su epoca casada con el caballero más exitoso de sus tiempos. Salomón no solo era un rey excepcional, pero también amaba a su esposa.
Si, mi esposo me dice algunas veces que me veo linda, pero el no compara mis dientes a manada de ovejas corriendo. Eso es casi un nivel ridiculo de afecto.
La sunamita tenía todo el derecho de sentirse segura en el amor de su esposo. Pero esto era tan lejos de la realidad.
En cantares capítulo 3, vemos el relato en la noche en que ella se fue a acostar y su esposo todavía no regresaba del trabajo. Después de esperar un rato, salió a las calles a buscas a Salomón en las calles.
Como rey de Israel podemos asumir que el tenía muchas responsabilidades. Sin embargo, ella salió a la calle sola a una hora que las mujeres no salen. La sunamita salió esa noche de su cama a buscar a su esposo en la ciudad.
Este es el comportamiento de alguien que lucha con inseguridades. Cuando ella lo encontró, no lo soltó. Ella era pegajosa. Lo tenía todo por fuera, pero por dentro tenía problemas serios.
Del principio del libro vemos los problemas de esta mujer. En cantares 1:6 ella se presenta de esta manera.
“No reparéis en que soy morena, Porque el sol me miró. Los hijos de mi madre se airaron contra mí; Me pusieron a guardar las viñas; Y mi viña, que era mía, no guardé.”
Desde joven, fue forzada a trabajar en el sol. Su piel estaba quemada y su alma estaba asustada también.
No sabemos porque sus hermanos estaban tan enojados, lo que si sabemos es como esta experiencia marco el corazón de esta mujer y hasta su rostro.
Podemos tener todo lo que esta vida puede ofrecer – amor, familia y dinero- pero si nuestro corazón está marcado por experiencias que causaron heridas, nos divide el resto de la vida.
Te animo a evaluar las prioridades del corazón. Permítele a Dios que te lleve por un camino de restauración hacia tu destino. La sunamita fue sana en los brazos de su rey. Usted y yo podemos experimentar ese mismo poder transformador.
Sigue este lugar para anuncios futuros muy emocionantes! Si disfrutaste esto, presiona el corazón al principio y comparte, poderosos testimonios estamos escuchando de nuestro nuevo curso, READY TO HEAL (listos para sanar). Puedes obtener el tuyo aquí.
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So glad you enjoyed
Thank You !
I so much enjoy your blogs and look forward to them every week to hear what the Lord has & to see how I may apply it to my life through you, so Thank you once again.❤️
That’s such a blessing to me to hear that you enjoy them so much! Thank you for taking the time to share! X