By 1st April 2024 Uncategorised

Trauma cripples. Even seemingly insignificant events can leave us shaken. More often than not, we don’t understand the damage done and try to put it all behind us.  Sometimes we end up with irrational fears. 


Have You Been Marked By Trauma?

While you read, ask the Holy Spirit to highlight any marks left behind on your heart or life by trauma. Violence whilst growing may have produced anger or nervousness in later life. Perhaps fights at home have made you hate shouting.

A distressing trip to the dentist could make you anxious in other medical settings. A car crash might leave you uncomfortable driving, or an unpleasant experience on the road may have caused you to be a nervous passenger.

Perhaps you have adapted your routine so that you don’t have to look back at unpleasant memories. Maybe you avoid a particular town or talking to new people. You may change the subject if someone mentions a certain season or you look away when you pass a hospital. 


What Or Who Is Leading?

It is staggering how many of us have phobias or fears that control our lives. Romans 8:14 explains that as children of God, we should be led by the Spirit of God. However, all too often, buried memories dictate even daily decisions.

Trauma can even shape our personalities. Babies are not born shy. Distressing experiences open the door to intimidation. A short fuse, oversensitivity, passive-aggressive tendencies, emotional detachment or harshness are traits that are often borne out of distress. 

Even our preferences can be influenced by unpleasant events. You might not like hugs, going on vacation, being photographed or making telephone calls. Perhaps you think it’s your personality, but such aversions are often forged by pain. 


It’s Not Just The Big Things 

Even apparently insignificant experiences can so unpleasant that we try to turn away from the distress. But the pain sinks to the bottom of our souls and gets buried. Out of sight maybe, but trapped trauma affects our lives.  

Proverbs 4:23 could not be more true: “Guard your heart above all things, for it determines the course of your life.” The Lord does not want you to ignore old pain, He had made the way for you to be completely healed.

Although facing old pain can be unpleasant, the restoration Jesus brings creates peace and confidence. There is no trauma He can not heal. Psalms 147:3 (TPT) says, “He heals the wounds of every shattered heart.”


It Is Almost Inevitable 

There are many causes of trauma; from accidents, medical procedures and illnesses, to abuse, violence and unexpected loss. It is not always what you go through yourself. Sometimes it is what you witness that marks your life. 

It might be a child at the top of the stairs watching their parents fight or a soldier seeing atrocities. Irrespective of what caused the distress, what all these experiences have in common is their ability to cause lasting damage.  

It is only when our hearts are restored that we can completely defuse trauma’s impact on our lives. If you realise that you are still affected by old trauma, talk to the Lord about your experiences and ask Him to heal your heart. And please don’t miss our new heart academy course Overcoming Trauma and PTSD. Check it out here.

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