Uncomfortable Concerns | Preocupaciones Incomodas

By 1st March 2024 Uncategorised

Any time the brake lights unexpectedly flashed on the car in front, I would call with a fright, “Paolo!” while grabbing my car seat with both hands. If a big truck passed close by our car, my heart would pound. 

For as long as I could remember, I was an anxious passenger, but in truth, I hadn’t really realized. It was only when I noticed that my daughter Abby became overly nervous in the car, that I became aware of the issue. 

The truth slapped me in the face: Abby had “caught” my anxiety in the car. Like many other issues, fear is contagious. I apologized to the Lord for passing on worry, then asked Him why I was an uncomfortable passenger. 



Almost immediately, the Lord reminded me of an incident that had taken place 35 years earlier when I was just 15 years old. I had fallen asleep in the front seat of a car while a friend was driving me home from an event. 

We were travelling at about 70 miles an hour when I awoke to see us hurtling towards another vehicle. Jane!” I screamed. It woke the driver in time for her to brake, lessening the impact as we smashed into the other car. 

Miraculously, neither of us was hurt, but I was terribly distressed. Not knowing how to process trauma, I must have buried the memory. The result: anxiety found a home in my heart and I had been a nervous passenger ever since.

Here are two important steps that will help you to start overcoming anxiety:



Fear involves torment which makes you feel disturbed, distressed or troubled. It makes you churn inside. 1 Jn 4:18a says, “There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear, because fear involves torment.”

The first step towards overcoming anxiety is becoming aware of any habitual nervousness or jumpiness in your life. Also, 2 Timothy 1:7 says that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

If you often feel agitated, powerless or shaky (the opposite to the verse above), it is time to acknowledge that you are anxious in certain settings. It  might be caused by calls from certain people, driving, social settings or other situations.



Once you are aware of any anxiety, ask the Lord to reveal the reason you react that way. In Genesis 25:22, Rebekah inquired of the Lord: “If all is well, then why am I like this?” I call this Rebekah’s Request and it’s a powerful prayer.

Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal the underlying reason for your worries. When He reveals, tell Him what happened and ask Him to heal your heart of any pain. Then you need to learn to change your controllable reflexes.



I brought the trauma of that teenage crash to the Lord and told Him how much it had frightened me. I then dealt with the anxiety in prayer. After that, I no longer tolerated any in-car nerves. I looked them in the face and calmed my heart. 

Driving became an enjoyable experience. My change enabled me to start to help my daughter to conquer her worries. When we tackle hidden hurts that cause anxiety, it improves our lives and it helps our nearest and dearest.  

It is impossible to get through life without going through distressing experiences. If you want to be free from all forms of nervousness, join our Heart Academy Zoom course Worry & Anxiety starting on Tuesday. God will take you on a wonderful journey to peace and freedom. Check it out here.

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