It’s been a difficult two years. Have you have felt isolated or lonely? Perhaps you have been hurt by unkind words or maybe you have been weighed down with disappointment.
The people of Israel suffered in similar ways. Ezekiel 36:3b describes their pain: “They made you a desolation and they snapped after and crushed you from every side… and you became the talk of the people”
Ezekiel 36 continues, explaining that God still had a great plan for their lives, just as He does for you. But there was a problem. The hardship of life had caused their hearts to harden.
You might not think that having a hard heart matters, but Proverbs 28:14b says, “…he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.” Calamity is not a common word. It means distress, trouble, grief and hurt.
Having a hard heart creates problems, but it also feels horrible. If it’s a little hard towards God, it will make you feel dry or detached. If your heart is hard towards someone you know, you will be disinterested in them, prickly or defensive.
When our hearts are tender, we will have a softness inside, we will be easily moved to sympathy or compassion, we will be kind.
God wants to restore you completely. 1 Peter 3:8b tells us to “…be tenderhearted…” Ephesians 4:32 explains how: “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another as God in Christ forgave you.”
- Breakdown in Relationships: Matthew 19:8 explains why divorce became a necessary option: “Moses, because of the hardness of your hearts, permitted you to divorce…” Hardness also leads to break down in other relationships.
- Brick-wall to your Prayers: 1 Peter 3:7 and Proverbs 28:14b make it obvious that a lack of tenderness in relationships can cause our prayers to be hindered.
- Barrier to your Breakthrough: Psalm 95 explains that hard hearts prevented the Israelites from entering their promised land. For you and me, our “promised land” is our highest hopes and dreams.
There are three steps you can take to soften hardness. Firstly, ask the Lord to heal your heart for all the hardships you have suffered. Secondly, completely forgive anyone who has wronged you, and thirdly, make a choice.
Any time the Bible tells us to be kind or be patient, it means that we need to engage our will and make a choice. We are instructed to be tender hearted, so make that choice in your heart.
A message I preached on this topic will help you, click here to watch. Also, I have a chapter in My Whole Heart on how to soften a hard heart. Please hit the heart button at the top if you enjoyed this blog and share your comments.
Han sido dos años difíciles. Te has sentido aislado o solo? Quizás ha sido lastimado por palabras groseras o quizás te sientes cargado por la decepción.
La gente de Israel sufrió de diferentes maneras. Ezequiel 36:3b describe su dolor: “…Por cuanto os asolaron y os tragaron de todas partes, para que fueseis heredad de las otras naciones, y se os ha hecho caer en boca de habladores y ser el oprobio de los pueblos,”
Ezequiel 36 continúa explicando, que Dios todavía tiene grandes planes para sus vidas, así como él también tiene planes para ti. Pero hay un problema. La dureza de la vida puede causar endurecimiento en el corazón.
Puedes pensar que tener un corazón duro no importa, pero proverbios 28:14b dice “…Mas el que endurece su corazón caerá en el mal.” Calamidad no es una palabra común. Significa estrés, problema, luto y dolor.
Tener un corazón endurecido causa problemas, pero también se siente horrible. Si está un poco endurecido hacia Dios, te hará sentir seco y desconectado. Si tu corazón se ha endurecido hacia alguien que conoces, estarás desinteresado de ellos, a la defensiva o susceptible.
Cuándo nuestro corazón es tierno, no sentimos suaves en el interior, y nos podemos mover fácilmente a la empatía o compasión, nosotros podemos ser amables.
Dios quiere restaurarte completamente. 1 Pedro 3:8 nos dice “… ser compasivo…” Efecios 4:32 nos explica cómo : “ Antes sed benignos unos con otros, misericordiosos, perdonándoos unos a otros, como Dios también os perdonó a vosotros en Cristo.”
Hay tres pasos que puedes tomar para suavizar tu corazón. Primero, pídele a Dios que sane tu corazón de todo las cosas difíciles que ha sufrido. Segundo, completamente perdona a todos los que te han dañado, y tercero, toma una decisión.
Cada vez que la Biblia nos dice que seamos buenos o pacientes, significa que tenemos que tomar una decisión. Se nos instruyó a que fuésemos compasivos, y tenemos que tomar esa decisión en nuestro corazón.
Un mensaje que prediqué referente a este tema te va a ayudar, presiona aquí para verlo. También, tengo un capítulo en mi libro My whole hearten cómo suavizar el corazón endurecido. Presione aquí para entrar a la página en línea y dale me gusta a este blog y comparte y haz comentarios.
I so appreciated that sermon Jo, and I’m grateful for the written reminder of it. I’m going to try to print it out as a daily reminder to follow through.
God bless you, restore you, comfort you and refresh you in every area.